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P. 22


                                                                                    want rather than be forced into
                                                                                    a prescribed route. “The flow of
                                                                                    traffic can go forward or back-
                                                                                    ward,” one team member said.
                                                                                       Members debated whether
                                                                                    speedier traffic flow would result
                                                                                    from multiple full-service lines
                                                                                    compared with separate lines,
                                                                                    each with unique offerings. A
                                                                                    team member argued that a multi-
                                                                                    line setup that channels custom-
                                                                                    ers to all of the dining facilities
                                                                                    stations is faster. A customer that
                                                   Each team presented the final plan for its dining   changes its mind after getting
                                                   facility with members taking turns to explain the
                                                   layout, menu, marketing and advertising strategies   on a speed line and moves to
                                                   to the judge’s panel before it chose the winner.  sandwiches has lost time.
                                                                                       Mealtime is limited, and work
                                                                                    schedules need to be followed,
          and hibachi, and can be surrounded with chairs to be used   the team member explained, “I’m in uniform, I’ve got a
          for Chef of the Quarter competitions.               window.”
             “We could put cameras right there, so we could teach,”   Discussion led to customer flow being directed to either
          a member of the design team said.                   of two islands on the left or right. On the right is the grill
             Shaped as a right triangle, customers enter at the short   station serving burgers and cooking with an Alto-Shaam
          side and move toward the point where cash registers are   charbroiler while left is the station serving pizzas, quesa-
          at the exits, and the number of payment stations can   dillas and breakfast pizza.
          fluctuate with customer volume.                        Back-of-the-house flow moves from deliveries arriving
             Customers can move within the serving area as they   at the loading dock in logical sequence to close-by stor-
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