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          age with convenient access for preparation and then on   with other healthy entrée and starch choices. The salad
          to serving.                                         bar has tubs of lettuce, spinach and romaine, along with
                                                              toppings and condiments. A variety of specialty options
          DESTINATION DINING                                  are scheduled Monday through Friday to vary the menu,
             When working to design Freedom Hall, one of the other   such as pasta on Thursday.
          contenders, the primary challenge its team recognized   A judge on the panel, Steve Rubin, Kitchens to Go,
          was that the dining facility needed to compete for the   asked how the team expected to successfully maintain
          meal-card-carrying population on base against alternatives   interest in the dining facility when service members are
          inside and outside the gate.                        confined to the base.
             To meet the challenge, the team emphasized that it   In response, the team, recognizing from the beginning
          understands the service members, and created a dining   the need for service members to make the dining facil-
          facility that has what they want. Planners designed the din-  ity their own, asked themselves what they wanted and
          ing facility as a single destination offering service members   interpreted their ideas to create a diverse menu offering
          the same options they would find at assorted competing   something different every day.
          locations inside and outside the gate.                 A marketing plan to get word out about the dining
             For convenience, access to meals                                    facility and drive traffic uses social
          in Freedom Hall is available 24 hours                                  media to reinforce the message and
          a day with grab-and-go availability.                                   increase effectiveness. Knowing that
          The to-go area offers premade and                                      millennials are 60 percent of the din-
          prepackaged meal options for cus-                                      ing facility’s available population and
          tomers that want convenient, fast                                      nearly all have cell phones, social
          service. An outdoor gazebo gives an                                    media is an essential tool to get the
          alternative dining experience, and                                     message out. “The first thing we want
          a mini playground for kids adds                                        to do is inform them that we ex-
          “wow” factor.                                                          ist,” said Senior Master Sgt. Jennifer
             Customer traffic flows into the                                     Moss, a member of the team work-
          dining hall through two entrances                                      ing on marketing for the Freedom
          and out from four exits, and the                                       Hall project.
          entire operation is visible through                                       In addition, customers will be al-
          a glass window in the manager’s of-                                    lowed to make suggestions, which
          fice. A designated parking lot was                                     will be highlighted on social me-
          part of the plan as a convenience to                                   dia with credit given to the service
          customers that helps attract a mobile                                  member who made it.
          population.                                                               Making the relationship with cus-
             There are six serving lines, in-                                    tomers closer, the team planned to
          cluding a main, snack and self-serve                                   make a more personal connection
          pastry. Centering the square floor                                     between staff and customers. One
          plan are three different stations,                                     step is to feature a chef of the month,
          two rectangular and one oval.
          Adding menu variety, one of
          the rectangular stations is con-                                          Mark Jones, a judge on the panel from the
          vertible to different purposes                                            Ranger Group, shares his expertise and
                                                                                    insight with the culinary specialists before
          and specialty items; the other                                            a winning team’s design was selected.
          offered salads, sandwiches and
          grilled items. The center oval
          featured desserts and ice cream.
             Plans also call for access to
          an outdoor smoker patio for
          barbecues, plus use of inside
             Service is seven days a week
          across the three meal periods:
          breakfast, lunch and dinner. A
          rotating item each day adds
          variety to the core breakfast
             A seafood item is always
          an option on the menu along
          24   GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • JULY 2017
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