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             Connelly Unites Team

                          JB Lewis-McChord Applies Lessons, Raises Performance

               commitment to teamwork enabled Joint Base Lewis-
           A  McChord’s 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB), 7th
          Infantry Division to maintain the level of performance
          required to advance through every round of evaluations
          and be selected the 2018 Military Garrison Philip A. Con-
          nelly Award winner.
             “This has been a long, hard road, and we have gained a
          lot of experience and knowledge through the journey,” said
          Master Sgt. Candice Williamson, senior brigade culinary
          management non-commissioned officer, 16th CAB. “Simply
          put, we are the best. We took the constructive criticism at
          every level of this competition and implemented changes.”
             Teams competing in the annual Connelly competition
          face rigorous evaluations from judges through multiple
          rounds. To receive the award, the 16th CAB underwent   administration; headcount   In the final round last January, the
          preliminary round evaluations from 7th Infantry Division,   procedures; receipt and stor-  16th CAB competed against four
          I Corps, and the 404th Army Field Support Brigade over   age operations; food service   other regional award recipients and
                                                                                         was selected as the overall winner
          the course of several months.                       sanitation and safety; com-  in the Connelly’s Garrison category.
             Finalists not eliminated in the preliminary and regional   mand support; appearance
          rounds go on to be evaluated in the final Department of   and attitude of food service personnel; serving and troop
          the Army level of the competition. In the final round last   accountability; dining area; equipment and safety; and food
          January, the 16th CAB competed against four other regional   preparation and quality.
          award recipients and was selected as the overall winner in   Garrison evaluation encompasses two complete meals,
          the Connelly’s Garrison category.                   breakfast and lunch, prepared in a 24-hour period, and ex-
             “We have worked together as a team in order to get to   amines all facets of operation, giving the greatest emphasis
          this level, and continue to grow and learn while moving   to food quality and customer acceptance.
          forward,” said Williamson, just before the final evaluation   Evaluators measure each garrison team’s performance
          in January. “We are confident and are looking forward to   according to a checklist that comprises 10 separate catego-
          the challenge at the DA level.”                     ries, each containing a set of criteria. Each criterion has its
                                                              own point value scale, which varies by category.
          CRITERIA                                               Each team’s final overall score is determined by adding
             Judges, comprising representatives of the Joint Culinary   the points it earned in each of the 10 category ratings.
          Center of Excellence and civilians representing the National   The maximum score a team can earn from each judge is
          Restaurant Association, completed the final-round evalua-  1,000 points.
          tion by observing the 16th CAB culinary team at work in   The Philip A. Connelly program is a food service com-
                                            the Raptor’s Nest   petition facilitated by the Joint Culinary Center of Excel-
                                            Dining Facility at   lence, headquartered at Fort Lee, Va., in coordination with
                                            Joint Base Lewis-  the Department of the Army and the National Restaurant
                                            McChord.          Association.
                                               Evaluators        The competition provides opportunities to raise culinary
                                            scored the unit   excellence and professionalism in food service operations
                                            in 11 areas in-   throughout the Army
                                            cluding: training    Each level of evaluation helps the culinary teams to learn
                                            and supervision;   and improve their performance preparing daily meals in the
                                            dining facility   Raptor’s Nest, which contributes to raising the standard of
                                                                                    food service available to soldiers.
                                            Col. Peter Crandall, commander, 404th Army Field Support
                                            Brigade, presents the trophy for winning the 2018 Philip   “Nerves are a part of the chal-
                                            A. Connelly Regional Award in the Garrison Dining Facility   lenge and will help us to grow
                                            Category to Master Sgt. Candice Williamson, senior brigade   and get better at this,” said Wil-
                                            culinary management non-commissioned officer, 16th Combat
                                            Aviation Brigade, 7th Infantry Division, during a ceremony at   liamson. “Every step is a learning
                                            the Raptors’ Nest Dining Facility, Joint Base Lewis-McChord,   experience, and we are excited
                                            Washington. (Photo by 1st Lt. Sean R. Cicogna, 404th AFSB)  about the next level.”     —GFS
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