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          particularly when they are                                                      that contribute a broad
          trying food items, garners                                                      spectrum of insights.
          even more insights.                                                             “The participants in the
             “I like to see their                                                         annual field training ex-
          faces, to see the authen-                                                       ercise have varied back-
          tic reaction,” said Sydney                                                      grounds and experience
          Walker, a biological aide                                                       with military rations,”
          in CFD.                                                                         said Laurie Oleksyk, team
             Collaborating with the                                                       leader of CFD’s Food En-
          New Hampshire National                                                          gineering and Analysis
          Guard is considered a val-                                                      Team. “Their feedback on
          ue to the CFD Food En-                                                          novel ration prototypes
          gineering Analysis Team.                                                        gives us great insight on
          “Interaction with soldiers                                                      their wants and needs,
          allows Natick scientists                                                        their likes and dislikes
          to observe the tasting of                                                       with regard to future ra-
          our prototype ration com-                                                       tion items. And we’re able
          ponents, getting soldier                A soldier, right, and an airman         to obtain this feedback
                                                  enjoy the new offerings during
          feedback as a guideline for future improve-  a focus group led by the Natick   very early in the ration development lifecycle.
          ment of these samples, and getting soldiers   Soldier Research, Development   Their training facility is outstanding; it’s a
          to appreciate Natick’s efforts to improve their   and Engineering Center’s Combat   terrific local resource.”
                                                  Feeding Directorate, or CFD. Soldier
          rations,” Yang said. “This interaction is the   feedback plays a key role in food   Having the CFD engage with service mem-
          most effective and direct communication to   technologies developed by CFD.   bers at the field feeding exercise allows service
          find out what soldiers would like for their   (Photo by: Staff Sgt. Rick Frost, New   members to participate in the research and
                                                    Hampshire National Guard)
          field rations.”                                                development process. “Giving service members
             New Hampshire National Guard members participat-  the opportunity to taste and give feedback to the research
          ing in the field feeding exercise have diverse backgrounds   teams who are preparing the future menus for operational
                                                              rations makes the service member be part of that process,”
                                                              said Capt. Benjamin Leonard, state food service officer for
                                                              the New Hampshire Army National Guard.

                                                              SOLDIER BENEFIT
                                                                 New Hampshire National Guard considers the joint
                                                              food service field training exercise an opportunity for
                                                              service members to learn about and better understand
                                                              the resources they rely on. “It is important for service
                                                              members to understand the big picture of operations,”
                                                              Leonard said. “Having NSRDEC come and speak about
                                                              the research and development of combat feedings allows
                                                              these service members to have a better understanding of
                                                              the full spectrum of the operations to feed our service
                                                              men and women on the battlefield.”
                                                                 Capt. Leonard and his New Hampshire Army National
                                                              Guard team organized the exercise. “As a team we have
                                                              been able to reach out and build relationships with the
                                                              best subject matter experts in all the different fields of
                                                              food service,” Leonard said. “These subject matter experts
                                                              are from Natick Labs; Johnson and Wales; Joint Culinary
                                                              Center of Excellence, Fort Lee, Va.; and National Guard
                                                              Bureau HQ. Our service men and women deserve the best
                                                              training possible, and I feel that they received that.”
                                                                 Leonard also praised Moody and Jeremy Whitsitt, CFD
                                                              deputy director, for their support and for helping make
                                                              this national-level training a huge success.
                                                                 “The New Hampshire National Guard is grateful for
                                                              the amazing partnership that we have been able to build
                                                              with NSRDEC,” Leonard said. “This is a great opportunity
                                                              for both organizations.”                     —GFS
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