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                     DLA Troop Support Controls Equipment Backorders

               group of Defense Logistics Agency   to track orders after contracts were   He said his team and fellow Subsis-
           A Troop Support employees have    awarded, said Dean Schoendorfer, the   tence co-workers in food-equipment
          managed to minimize the number of   supervisor in charge of the food service   acquisitions strive to ensure their cus-
          equipment backorders for military food   equipment buying team. The new post-  tomers have the equipment they need
          service and food field items.      award team identified several issues,   to feed the warfighter. An increase in
             Backorders hovered near zero dur-  known as quality notifications (QNs),   backorders could mean more service
          ing July and early August of 2017, and   which caused delivery disruptions due   members stationed in remote locations
          since 2013 had averaged no more than   to minor processing errors.   must eat prepackaged Meals, Ready
          100 at any time. This contrasts with   With the help of quality assurance   to Eat, known as MREs, instead of a
          August 2011, when the supply chain’s   specialists, quality technicians, resolu-  freshly prepared meal.

                                                                                 DLA Troop Support acquisition professionals have
          backorders grew to more than 2,000.  tion specialists, and other employees   reduced back orders in the Subsistence supply
             “It’s an accomplishment we’re   in the organization, the post-award   chain from more than 2,000 in 2011 to zero in
                                                                                 2017. Pictured are: (front row, from left) Roberto
          proud of,” said Thomas Hall, the su-  team rectified many of the disruptions,   Santisteban, Sabrina Morgan, Steven Weeks, Henia
          pervisor of Subsistence’s Group Rations   ensuring the warfighter received their   Montague, John Graybill, Khuong Nguyen; (back
          and Equipment branch.              product in a more timely manner.    row, from left) Lauren Breisch, George Patrick, John
                                                                                 King, Tom Hall, Orrin Williams, Dean Schoendorfer,
             Early last year, former Subsistence   “We started with a lot of QNs, but   and Tim Coyle. Other team members not pictured
          Director Navy Supply Corps Capt. Chris   we worked it down to about a dozen,”   include Wayne Williamson, David Sharp, Peggy
          Mosher challenged food-equipment   Schoendorfer said. “We really worked   Grady, Lori D’Alessandro, Wardell Smith, John
                                                                                 Golden and Dominique Vaugh-Gadson. (Photo
          employees to reduce backorders.    on quality notifications to make sure   by Shawn Jones, DLA Troop Support)
             Hall said they started a regularly   stock didn’t become blocked due to
          recurring meeting to specifically deal   unrelated errors, such as incorrect   “It’s all about readiness,” said Rich
          with backorders, and they soon identi-  labeling.”                   Faso, Subsistence’s deputy director. “No
          fied and implemented several process   The food-equipment team also   matter the item or the priority, it is
          improvements.                      conducts a monthly meeting with the   important to the overall mission.”
             “This is truly a group effort, from   Army Natick Soldier Systems Center,   While the team met its goal, Faso
          supplier operations to customer opera-  in Natick, Mass., in an effort to in-  said there’s always room for improve-
          tions and our support folks,” he said.   crease the lines of communication.   ment when it comes to supporting
          “We have a lot of dedicated people   The meetings help the team identify   the warfighter.
          who took it as a personal goal to get   potential issues before they become   “Overall, when put into perspective,
          backorders down to zero.”          major problems.                   of the thousands of orders we receive,
             First, they improved communica-   Backorders can lead to quality-of-life   only a small portion are missed,” Faso
          tion. Material planners developed a   and morale-related concerns for service   said. ”But to that customer, it doesn’t
          weekly report that helped contracting   members stationed across the globe.  matter how great we were on every-
          officers prioritize their efforts in a man-  “If they require a griddle assembly,   thing else to everybody else. To them,
          ner that would mitigate the effects of   and we don’t have it, well they’re not   we missed, and that bothers us and
          product demand surges or inventory   eating pancakes that day or anything   will make us better suppliers.”
          shortages.                         else they make on the griddle,” Hall                          —GFS
             Next, a team was established    said.
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