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                          Washington Navy Yard                                   The Washington Navy Yard food court has re-
                                                                                 opened with two of its four food outlets operating
                    Welcomes Food Court’s Return                                 while work to complete the others is expected
                                                                                      to conclude in January 2018.
             ervice members and civilians are   (NAVFAC) and Civilian Morale, Welfare   couple years now and the food court
           Senjoying the Washington Navy     and Recreation (CMWR).            used to be a prime gathering area. It
          Yard (WNY) food court, which reopened   “NEXCOM is renovating the actual   hasn’t been for a long time, due to all
          recently after being closed more than   food concept spaces,” said Jennifer   the work that’s been done. After the
          a year for renovation.             Sullivan, NEXCOM branch exchange   re-opening, I saw big lines that were
             The food court reopened July 24,   manager. “NAVFAC is involved as an   moving quickly and happy people sit-
          2017, ending the third and final phase   overseeing entity to make sure every-  ting at the tables. I think it’s a much
          of renovations to the Navy Yard Town   thing is meeting base requirements.   more inviting atmosphere than we’ve
          Center, which began in May 2016. The   CMWR takes care of the seating area.   had in at least a year, and people will
          Town Center has become home to a new   They deep-cleaned the floor, there’s all   enjoy the changes.”
          Navy Exchange Express and barber shop.  new seating and they installed 70-inch   Liddle hopes that the newly reno-
             The food court has a newly opened   televisions.”                 vated food court will serve as a central
          Panda Express and Au Bon Pain, while   Angie Banks, director of CMWR,   gathering area in the WNY Town Center.
          Wayback Burgers and White Lotus Sushi   added that the food court was due for   “There’s  new  furniture, we’ve
          are expected to open in January 2018.  some much needed upgrade.     cleaned up the floors and everything
             “It’s been a complicated process to   “We wanted a seating concept that   is bigger and brighter,” said Liddle. “It’s
          get everything completed,” said Lt.   would accommodate everybody,” said   all going to continue to get better as
          Cmdr. John Liddle, executive officer   Banks. “We thought having high tops   we continue to deliver quality service
          of Naval Support Activity Washington.   and booths with electric hook-ups   to our tenant commands.”
          “A lot of painstaking effort went into   would provide a more cozy and com-
          this, but we’re glad to see these things   fortable seating experience.”  Washington Navy Yard Food Court
          finally coming to fruition.”         WNY hosted several food trucks     Reopened: July 24, 2017
             According to Liddle, before the reno-  around the base to compensate for the   Closed: May 2016
          vation, the food court wasn’t work-  loss of the food court during renova-
          ing well because four restaurants were   tion. Liddle said, due to popular de-  Restaurants Open: Panda Express,
          sharing the same kitchen. As a result   mand, the base has decided to move   Au Bon Pain.
          they created four individual concepts   forward with the most popular one or   Restaurants Expected to Open in
          so in the future if one goes out, they   two trucks to keep everyone as happy   January 2018: Wayback Burgers and
          can bring a new one in much faster as   as possible.                    White Lotus Sushi.
          opposed to the year-long renovation   Despite the popularity of the food
          that’s just now getting finished.   trucks, Liddle feels there was a social   Renovation Partners: Washington
             The renovation has been a com-  void left by the absence of the food   Navy Yard; Navy Exchange Service
          bined effort between WNY, the Navy Ex-  court.                          Command; Navy Facilities Engineer-
          change Service Command (NEXCOM),     “It’s an intangible thing, but it mat-  ing Command and Civilian Morale,
          Navy Facilities Engineering Command   ters,” said Liddle. “I’ve been here for a   Welfare and Recreation.
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