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             Culinary Training Program Promotes More Vegetarian Recipes

              he Oasis Galley at Naval Station   ing and educating food service profes-  “The forward food initiative has a
           TMayport in Jacksonville, Fla., be-  sionals with a hands-on experience to   goal that is consistent with the DoD’s
          came a virtual greenhouse to cultivate   further encourage more vegetables be-  Go for Green Program,” said Capt. Kristi
          the preparation and implementation of   ing incorporated into the dishes they   Sidebottom, a Naval Reserve surface
          more plant-based foods on the menu.  serve,” said White. “Most of it is just   warfare officer and a Forward Food
             Sailors assigned to the Oasis Galley   making minor tweaks to the recipes   Initiative volunteer. “This has been
          partnered with the Humane Society of   they already use.”            a great opportunity for us to further
          the United States (HSUS) Forward Food   The training experience works in   increase awareness and show how easy
          Initiative for a three-day food service   concert with the DoD’s Go for Green   and enjoyable healthier options can be.”
          training program that ended Sept. 28.  program, which is geared towards   Hart said the training experience

                                                                                Wanda White, executive chef of the Humane Society
             “Our goal here is to work with the   service members eating for wellness   of the United States’ Forward Food Initiative, serves
          culinary specialists to inspire and in-  and fueling the body for optimal per-  chickpea sandwich samples to Master-at-Arms 3rd
                                                                                Class Andrew Butler, left, and Master-at-Arms 2nd
          crease the amount of plant-based op-  formance by increasing awareness of   Class Marco Romano at the Oasis Galley on Naval
          tions on their menu by adding a greater   differences in the quality of food and   Station Mayport. (Photo by Mass Communication
                                                                                   Specialist 3rd Class Michael Lopez, USN)
          emphasis on vegetables and meat alter-  empowering service members to make
          natives,” said Wanda White, executive   informed decisions about the foods they   changed how she and some fellow cu-
          chef of the Forward Food Initiative.   choose to eat.                linary specialists viewed meal prepa-
             The HSUS Forward Food Initiative   “I think this experience has helped   rations.
          has partnered with over 80 healthcare   us see how we can contribute to sailors   “When we hear healthy or going
          organizations and the Department of   being within physical standards,” said   green, a lot of us can get scared and
          Defense (DoD) to implement plant-  Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Destiny   think all that means is eating salad;
          based culinary training to produce   Hart, assigned to the Oasis Galley. “We   but this showed me that it’s really all
          health and environmental benefits,   want to make sure we’re doing what we   about enjoying the same foods we eat,
          including lower obesity rates, lower   can to give our sailors more options to   but taking some of the animal products
          cholesterol, water savings, reduced   help them get the nutrition they need   out of them,” said Hart. “This taught
          greenhouse gas emissions and less   to keep them ready for the fleet.”  us how to make the foods we all enjoy
          water pollution.                     During the training experience, cu-  with small changes that actually taste
             White piloted the first ever all-vegan   linary specialists adjusted their usual   really good.”
          dining hall at an American university   recipes by incorporating non-animal   The HSUS’s Forward Food Initia-
          while working with the University of   product substitutions including serving   tive works with the DoD, colleges and
          North Texas in 2011 before she began   egg-less pancakes, a gourmet oatmeal   universities, public schools, healthcare
          her work with the HSUS.            bar, vegan-based desserts and vegan   institutions and corporations across the
             “This initiative is all about inspir-  based entrées.             country.
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