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                                                                                      Beverages have nutritional value, as well
          Coast and another for the West                                              as help service members avoid becoming
          Coast. The Marine Corps self-                                                 dehydrated during daily activity.
          operates its mess halls outside
          the continental United States                                                  Educating sailors about the
          (OCONUS).                                                                   dietary value of the choices
             Sport drink, or electrolyte                                              available in galleys leads
          beverage, assortments are                                                   to making more healthful
          relatively consistent weekly                                                choices and to be conscious
          and monthly. Contractors                                                    of the quantity they consume.
          servicing some CONUS mess                                                   Supporting the effectiveness
          halls promote customer pref-                                                of choice architecture, Person-
          erence by offering additional                                               Whippo cited results of a study
          selections of sports drinks, or                                             that DoD dietitians did at Fort
          electrolyte beverages, Holladay                                             Jackson, S.C., that were con-
          said. OCONUS, the assortment                                                sistent with the findings of a
          is considered as needed, and                                                similar test conducted by Mas-
          in conjunction with the menu                                                sachusetts General Hospital
          planning board and customer                                                 that showed patron choice was
          preference.                                                                 influenced by food placement
             Otherwise, Marine Corps                                                  and color coding.
          mess halls typically feature                                                   “The Go for Green program
          four juices, two waters, three                                             addresses the amount of each
          glucose/electrolyte solutions,                                             beverage offered at each meal in
          one tea, two milks, and coffee,                                           its menu coding guidelines,” she
          plus four assorted sodas, including                                     said. “Glasses are a standard size, so
          lower-calorie dark/clear options that                                 any beverage can be put into them.
          meet MDRI standards.                                                Educating sailors is the best approach
                                                                           that supports healthy food choices includ-
          CHOICE ARCHITECTURE                                          ing portion control.”
             In the future, military dining facilities will guide service   Regulations also apply to beverage availability in dining
          members’ choices using an updated Go for Green and Fueled   facilities. “The military has Department of Defense Food
          to Fight color-labeling system. Selection choices may subtly   Service Manual and DoD 1338.10 menu standards, which
          be influenced by where options are placed, with water and   defines the policy food service operations adhere to when
          juice more noticeable or easily accessible compared with   offering beverages,” she said.
          sugary drinks.                                         The Marine Corps is considering choice architecture
             “Our dining facilities are changing how we display and   in the future to guide choices in mess halls, but not with
          arrange our food service products within the DFAC to bet-  regard to beverages, which are self-serve, Holladay said.
          ter steer soldiers to healthier options, our better-for-you   Marine Corps training facility mess halls guide choices
          foods,” Smith said. “This is based on the DoD Go for Green   with more educational nutrition information than the stan-
          changes being developed for all services.”          dard Fueled to Fight traffic-light-color labels. “We have started
             Serving size for beverages is unlikely to be affected, as Army   to infuse nutrition education regarding optimal quantities
          dining facilities expect to continue to use 8-ounce glasses   and types of beverages to consume within moderation in a
          for beverages, which are self-serve. Assortment, however,   training environment,” she said. “It is up to each individual
          will continue to be evaluated and labeled to guide service   patron to make informed choices on beverage selection as
          members to the most healthful choices.              deemed appropriate by their individual training, prefer-
             “We review our beverages for healthier options and label   ences and caloric expenditure.”
          them based on Go for Green standards identifying those   Otherwise, Marines follow the Fueled to Fight guidelines
          beverage that are not-as-good-for-you options,” she said.   to make the most healthful selection from the variety avail-
          “Army DFAC beverages are also part of the meal service   able. “Each individual patron has the option of selecting
          and expected by our diners.”                        between healthy and unhealthy beverages as aligned by
             Navy galleys consider choice architecture with food and   the information provided by the Fueled to Fight mess hall
          beverage placement. A typical galley configuration has all   nutrition education program,” Holladay said. “Although
          beverages displayed together in the same location, and this   sugary drinks are not the healthiest option, they provide
          makes Go for Green nutritional guidance more important.   choices and increase the variety of beverages that are pro-
          “This reinforces the need for labeling to guide the sailor   vided in the mess halls. There are no limitations on the
          towards green or yellow options,” Person-Whippo said.  beverage refills.”

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