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            Rednour Reflects                                                          Coast Guard

                a Commitment to                                                   Forrest O. Rednour
                                                                                     2016 Winners

                                                                                  Culinary Specialist of the Year
                                                                             Culinary Specialist First Class Tara Dodd,
                        Coast Guard Awards Honor                                      CGC SWORDFISH
                   Top-Performing Culinary Specialists

                 food service specialist and select culinary teams working in gal-
            A leys ashore and afloat earned recognition from the Coast Guard
            this year as winners of the annual Forrest O. Rednour Memorial Award
            for their commitment to excellence and professionalism.
              Winners in each Rednour category are selected through an evalu-
            ation process that motivates food service teams and individuals to
            raise their performance, while also encouraging continued training
            and practice to improve culinary skills.
              Judges conduct the evaluations under routine conditions, scoring   Culinary Specialist First Class Tara Dodd,
            the dining facility and galley teams and individual culinary specialists   right, receives the 2016 Culinary Specialist
            while they prepare meals for their units.                        of the Year award from Sector Puget Sound
              The Rednour selection board names a culinary specialist of the   Command Master Chief Richard Evans.
            year and runner-up, along with a dining facility of the year in each
            of six categories.                                                Culinary Specialist of the Year Runner-Up
              Recognized as the Forrest O. Rednour Culinary Specialist of the    Culinary Specialist Second Class
            Year for 2016 is Culinary Specialist First Class Tara Dodd of the Coast    Danielle Hughes
            Guard Cutter Swordfish.
              Dodd demonstrated exceptional leadership and initiative exemplify-
            ing the desired attributes of the culinary specialist rating while serving   Dining Facility of the Year
            as the Independent Duty Food Service Officer aboard the Swordfish.          LARGE AFLOAT
              The selection board congratulated Dodd for exhibiting outstanding
            culinary skills while flawlessly planning and executing dining facility
            operations during an unscheduled five-week District 17 pilot program
            to test that an 87-foot patrol boat could operate in southeast Alaska.
              In addition to her culinary skills, the board said Dodd assisted local
            units with dining facility paperwork while also providing training to
            senior Coast Guard members during a Sector conference.
              Dodd also generously volunteered her time in the local community
            to supervise a Coast Guard team that changed smoke detectors at a
            retirement center, and personally handled 40 defunct detectors.
              The selection board also selected Culinary Specialist Second Class       CGC ESCANABA
            Danielle Hughes, serving aboard the USCGC Dolphin, as the Culinary     Runner-Up: CGC Sherman
            Specialist of the Year Runner-Up. The board praised Hughes for superior
            customer service and truly remarkable culinary excellence.                 LARGE ASHORE
                           Team award winners and runners-up for dining facil-
                              ity of the year were selected from highly quali-
                                  fied nominees in six categories: Large Afloat,
                                    Medium Afloat, Small Afloat, Large Ashore,
                                       Medium Ashore and Small Ashore.
                                             Selection board members evalu-
                                             ate the team award nominees
                                                against 11 criteria: paper-
                                                    work administration;              SECTOR NEW YORK
                                                        menu planning              Runner-Up: Sector San Juan
                                                              and food                                 —Continued
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