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                                                            Deb Robinson, 56th Medical   we’re doing entrees, which is good
                                                            Group dietician, serves healthy   because we have limited time to go
                                                            entree samples as part of a   and eat lunch.”
                                                            taste test to members of the   More than just keeping Airmen
                                                            62nd Aircraft Maintenance   happy, the food choices they make
                                                            Unit at Luke AFB in January.
                                                                                  during their short breaks are important
                                                                                  in keeping them alert and operating
                                                              at peak capacity during long work shifts and high-tempo op-
                                                                 “The healthier options will definitely impact our maintain-
                                                              ers by giving them more energy and helping them to stay fit
                                                              and maintain Air Force standards,” Casem said.
                                                                                   Casem, who took part in the taste
                                                                                test, was universally satisfied with the
                                                                                   “I actually loved all of the food,”
              Enjoy the Outdoors                                        TM      Casem said. “I usually pack my own
                                                                                lunch, but if we have stuff like this in
                                                                                our snack bar, then there would defi-
                                ...with Pilot Rock Picnic Tables                nitely be times when I wouldn’t pack
              Rectangular, Square and Round.                                    MAKING FOOD
                  Portable and Stationary.                                      RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                                                   Once her testing is complete, Rob-
                                                                                inson plans to analyze her results and
                                                                                make food recommendations tailored to
                                                                                individual units and their tastes. Eventu-
                                                                                ally, she hopes to be able to implement
                                                                                similar initiatives on a much wider scale.
                                             Wheelchair Accessible
                                                 and Standard.

               Lumber, Aluminum, Recycled
                 Plastic and Coated Steel.

                                                                                 A 62nd Aircraft Maintenance Unit member
                                                                                 prepares his lunch in front of the AMU snack
                                                                                          bar at Luke AFB.
                                                                                   “I’m working with the Air Force
                                                                                medical operations agency to put to-
                                    Pilot Rock has a Picnic Table for you!      gether a toolkit that might eventually al-
                                                                                low units to actually assess themselves,”
                                                                                Robinson said. “We want to see if this
                                                  PARK • STREET • CAMP          process is effective. We want to see how
                                                     SITE PRODUCTS              it affects the sales of healthier options,
                                                                                how satisfied unit members are with
                                                                                these options; and hopefully, this pro-
                                                                                cess will become a turnkey for units to
                  RJ Thomas Mfg. Co., Inc • Cherokee, Iowa                      implement themselves.”
             800-762-5002 • •

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