Page 13 - mch0418_Magazine
P. 13

—Continued from page 8, Fangtastic
                  Visit us online at                            forget this wonderful experience.”
                               NSF Deveselu and AAMDS Romania, co-located with
                                                                the Romanian 99th Military Base, play a key role in ballistic
                                                                missile defense in Eastern Europe. Their operations enable the
                                                                responsiveness of U.S. and allied forces in support of Navy
                                                                Region Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia’s (NAVEURAFSWA)
                                                                mission to provide services to the fleet, fighter and family.
                                                                NAVEURAFSWA executes eight lines of operations ashore
                                                                to support the United States and allied forces operating in
                                                                the Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia area of responsibility.
               “The Army gave me everything, everything,” Greer said.
            “I didn’t have that strong environment
            of support when I was growing up, and
            so I went into the Army, and from that
            day on I learned that what you put into
            something, that’s what you get back.
            There are no shortcuts; you can’t cheat
            on life. I’ve just loved every aspect of
            the military.”
               Greer said that to serve soldiers today
            requires an understanding of the hard-
            ships that they and their families endure.
               “It’s not just deploying and train-
            ing and being out here in the snow, but
            family life issues, the financial impacts
            of constant rotations, transitioning out
            of the military and the fear that goes
            with it, the whole gamut,” he said. “The
            people I work for, my subordinates, have
            learned that intensely.”
               If there is any knowledge to pass on
            to his successor, Greer said that he hopes
            to have a chance to share it personally.
            The most succinct advice would be:
            “Trust your team.”
               “Your people will lead you to suc-
            cess – it’s not about you, it’s about your
            people,” he said. “It’s about having a
            vision and giving your people the sup-
            port to carry it out.”
               Greer thanked everyone for attend-
            ing the flag presentation at his retire-
            ment and acknowledged a few former
            FMWR colleagues and distinguished
            guests who were present. In his remarks,
            Greer couldn’t help but leave with one
            last joke before refocusing on the people
            who matter to him.
               “Regarding my retirement, I’m just
            kidding. I’m going to stay,” he said. “But
            you know, going down to the Commons
            today, it was packed with soldiers. And
            to see them smiling makes every day
            worth it, every day. I’m just sorry I
            have to quit. I could go on another 10
            years. I salute all of you, and I salute
            my special staff, who are all wonder-
            ful. I hate to give them up, because
            they are all so talented, but they will
            continue to serve Fort Drum and this
            great division.”

            APRIL 2018
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