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Peterson AFB, Colo., Express .......................... 2,879,993 Hanscom AFB, Mass., Class Six......................... 1,477,841
Fort Rucker, Ala., Class Six............................. 2,858,893 Fort Buchanan, P.R., Service Station ..................... 1,472,462
Maxwell AFB, Ala., Class Six ........................... 2,852,739 Fort Knox, Ky., Wilson Express ......................... 1,471,362
Luke AFB, Ariz., Express/Class Six/Gas Station............. 2,827,365 Aberdeen PG, Md., Express/Gas........................ 1,439,181
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo., Fort Hood, Texas, Ellington Retail Store .................. 1,434,818
Express/Class Six................................... 2,793,714 JB Lewis-McChord, Wash., Lewis-Madigan Express......... 1,398,004
Fort Hood, Texas, Kouma Express....................... 2,791,844 Aviano AB, Italy, Express .............................. 1,393,865
Kirtland AFB, N.M., Express/CCC ....................... 2,789,360 Carlisle Moon Express ................................ 1,370,786
Travis AFB, Calif., Class Six ............................ 2,750,153 Fort Gordon, Ga., Gate 5 Express....................... 1,356,573
Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C., Class Six/Express/Gas Station.. 2,740,699 Spangdahlem AB, Germany, Express .................... 1,355,424
Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., Class Six/Express .............. 2,663,006 Cannon AFB, N.M., Express ........................... 1,344,541
Buckley AFB, Colo., Main Store......................... 2,646,745 Malmstrom AFB, Mont., Main Store ..................... 1,336,479
Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Express........................ 2,639,851 JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Express/Class Six/Gas .... 1,332,674
Fairchild AFB, Wash., Class Six ......................... 2,591,160 Kunsan AB, Korea, BX ................................ 1,332,096
JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Elmendorf Joint Military Fort Meade, Md., Branch Store/Gas ..................... 1,331,983
Mall/Class Six/Gas Station ........................... 2,545,548 Fort Benning, Ga., Dixie Road Express/Gas Station ......... 1,318,076
Tyndall AFB, Fla., Express/Class Six...................... 2,544,819 JB Lewis-McChord, Wash., McChord Main Store ........... 1,306,721
Fort Riley, Kan., Big Red 1 Express ...................... 2,544,099 Fort Campbell, Ky., Main Store ......................... 1,296,758
JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, Hickam Kuntz Mini Mall .... 2,537,136 Joint Region Marianas, Saipan Troop Store ............... 1,291,566
Fort Drum, N.Y., Class Six ............................. 2,530,187 Fort Sill, Okla., North Express .......................... 1,273,716
Hunter AAF, Ga., Corner Express ....................... 2,516,824 Wiesbaden, Germany, Hainerberg
Fort Jackson, S.C., Gate 2 Express/Gas .................. 2,514,154 Express/Class Six/Gas Station......................... 1,268,062
U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., Express ........... 2,514,061 Camp Casey, Korea, Express........................... 1,258,461
MCB Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan, Express .............. 2,440,289 Eglin AFB, Fla., West Gate Express...................... 1,256,738
Dobbins ARB, Ga., Main Store ......................... 2,427,367 Fort Belvoir, Va., Express .............................. 1,232,508
USAG Yongsan, Korea, South Post Express ............... 2,426,448 Fort Irwin, Calif., Express 2 ............................ 1,218,357
RAF Lakenheath, U.K., Express ......................... 2,346,556 Harrison Village, Ind., Retail Store....................... 1,214,078
Maxwell AFB, Ala., Express ............................ 2,319,999 Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, Retail Store.............. 1,211,006
Fort Polk, La., Class Six ............................... 2,288,851 Columbus AFB, Miss., Exchange Branch Store............. 1,208,969
Incirlik AB, Turkey, Express............................. 2,251,969 McConnell AFB, Kan., Express ......................... 1,194,434
Fort Drum, N.Y., Express/MiniMall ...................... 2,222,587 Yokota AB, Japan, Fussa Gate Express ................... 1,191,845
Gunter AFB, Ala., Express ............................. 2,219,542 Camp Humphreys, Korea, Express ...................... 1,184,766
Grafenwoehr, Germany, Express ........................ 2,136,700 Eielson AFB, Alaska, Shopping Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,170,096
MCB Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, Express............. 2,097,194 Fort Hood, Texas, Warrior Shop ........................ 1,164,858
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., Class Six...................... 2,085,307 Ellsworth AFB, S.D., Express ........................... 1,157,476
JB Lewis-McChord, Wash., Liberty Express................ 2,021,566 F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo., Express/Gas Station .............. 1,112,707
Offutt AFB, Neb., Express/Gas/Class Six ................. 1,954,201 Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan, Main Store ................. 1,104,235
JB Lewis-McChord, Wash., Lewis North Express/Gas........ 1,951,739 JB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., Express/Gas ............. 1,091,649
Fort Huachuca, Ariz., Express .......................... 1,873,959 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Kolek Express 3 ............... 1,083,263
Ramstein AB, Germany, KMCC Main Store................ 1,834,452 Altus AFB, Okla., Troop Store .......................... 1,079,892
Grafenwoer, Germany, Rose Barracks Express ............. 1,815,918 Selfridge ANGB, Mich., Main Store...................... 1,075,206
Misawa AB, Japan, Express ............................ 1,776,816 Baumholder, Germany, Express/Gas..................... 1,062,562
JB Lewis-McChord, Wash., Lewis Main Store .............. 1,751,949 Fort McClellan, Ala., National Guard Troop Store .......... 1,062,562
Joint Region Marianas, Guam, Andersen Class Six/Express... 1,742,219 Fort Benning, Ga., Custer Road Express.................. 1,056,289
Sheppard AFB, Texas, Express ......................... 1,740,021 Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., Express/Gas/Car Care ........... 1,052,566
Ramstein AB, Germany, Pulaski Express .................. 1,737,958 Whiteman AFB, Mo., Express .......................... 1,044,399
Fort Bragg, N.C., Butner Express/Gas Station ............. 1,680,998 Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa., Express ...................... 1,040,072
Dover AFB, Del., Express/Class Six/Gas .................. 1,660,018 JB Langley-Eustis, Va., Bethel Manor Express/Class Six/Gas .. 1,018,680
Carlisle Barracks, Pa., Main Store ....................... 1,657,968 Aliamanu, Hawaii, Retail Store.......................... 1,016,366
Stuttgart, Germany, Patch Barracks Express/Gas ........... 1,641,682 Fort Campbell, Ky., Gardner Hills Mini Mall ............... 1,004,588
Moody AFB, Ga., Express ............................. 1,604,743
Minot AFB, N.D., Express ............................. 1,594,708
Fort Carson, Colo., Express/Class Six/Gas Station .......... 1,593,453 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LOCATIONS
Fort Polk, La., Express #1.............................. 1,586,073
Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan, Fairchild Express ............ 1,581,716 Total number of AAFES stores with
USAG Yongsan, Korea, South Post Express ............... 1,572,243 annual alcohol sales over $1 million: 166
Vicenza, Italy, Express ................................ 1,554,064 Total Store Count: 693
RAF Mildenhall, U.K., BX .............................. 1,530,661
Fort Stewart, Ga., Main Express ........................ 1,524,280 All Stores by Department FY 2016 Alcohol Sales
Fort Campbell, Ky., Express............................ 1,522,915 Wine...................................... $104,764,556
Fort Gordon, Ga., Gate 1 Express....................... 1,521,337 Beer ...................................... $201,008,865
Fort Riley, Kan., Forsyth Express ........................ 1,520,172 Spirits ..................................... $301,819,289
HQ MWR Class Six, Texas ............................. 1,518,519 Total Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$607,592,709
Holloman AFB, N.M., Mini Mall......................... 1,506,546