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Area golfers head down the first fairway to their
                                                                                    assigned tee boxes as the grand reopening of
               Hole No. 10 at Warrior Hills Golf Course with its                    Fort Polk’s Warrior Hills Golf Course gets ready
                   downhill view and pristine green.                                          to kick off.

            with the areas around the installation,                                ing sure everything is taken care of.”
            MWR will allow the local populace                                         The general thanked IMCOM and
            to play the course.                                                    DFMWR for their efforts in seeing
                                                                                   the renovations to fruition. “Without
            “A BIG DEAL”                                                           your tireless efforts, this would not
               “It’s a big deal for us to re-open                                  have been possible,” he said.
            the golf course,” said Brig. Gen.
            Patrick D. Frank, commander, Joint                                     COMMITTED TO SUCCESS
            Readiness Training Center (JRTC) and                                      Garrison leadership is commit-
            Fort Polk, during the course’s ribbon-                                 ted to the success of the golf course,
            cutting ceremony on Sept. 8, which                                     Helminiak said. Until Oct. 31, a mem-
            was followed by a grand reopening                                      bership drive was conducted offering
            tournament. “This place is connected     Michael O’Brien, Warrior Hills Golf   golfers significant savings on either
            to quality of life for not only our sol-  Course pro,  sets the cup on the   six-month or annual memberships. “If
            diers and families, but also to those    refurbished green of hole No. 10  you purchase an annual membership,
            outside of the gates. We always invite                                 it’s like getting two months free,” he
            our local neighbors to come out and golf with us, along with   said. “The six-month membership gets you one month free.”
            our retirees and our veterans.”                     And for local non-military residents, “The garrison is offering
               Frank said Warrior Hills is the centerpiece of the JRTC   an annual pass to members of the general public who want to
            and Fort Polk. “When you enter post, Warrior Hills sits right   come on post to play golf.”
            in the middle of everything and is the first thing you see,” he   In addition to creating a golf advisory council, course
            said. “It’s something we can be proud of. I want to stress, we   management is talking with other military golf courses to de-
                     invite the entire community to come to Fort Polk   velop best practices, and is working with a chemical company
                     and play this golf course. This isn’t just for Fort   representative to ensure most effective methods are used for
                     Polk; it’s for everyone in the community to enjoy.”  growing grass and controlling weeds.
                       Garrison Commander Col. Jarrett Thomas II   But Helminiak said it would take more than just the gar-
                     echoed Frank’s sentiments. “This means a great   rison providing a challenging and pleasant golf experience.
                     deal for our community,” Thomas said prior to   “It’s incumbent on the golf course users to make it viable
                     hitting his tee shot on the first hole. “It’s all about   to keep the course open,” he said. “We spent a lot of money
                     quality of life, not only for our soldiers, but also   and made some hires to keep the course in condition, and we
                     our DA [Department of the Army] civilians who   need golfers — both on and off post — to use the course.”
                     work here, their family members and our local   Helminiak said there are plans to hold more tournaments
                     community.”                                throughout 2019 and offer other opportunities for golfers to
                       Loretta Nale, who heads the Fort Polk DFMWR,   enjoy the course.
                     also called Warrior Hills the “center point” of the   “The bottom line is we now have a good product, and we
                     installation and said her staff was up to the chal-  want to keep it here for our soldiers, so we’re going to do
                     lenge of making the course a success story.  what we can to make this work,” he said.
                       “We want to make sure that it is a quality golf   “With everyone’s help, this should be a great place to play
                     course for our soldiers and families,” she said. “The   golf for years to come.”
                     greens, tee boxes, sand traps … we refurbished   Story and photos by Chuck Cannon, Fort Polk, La., Public
                     everything. We have a team that is devoted to mak-  Affairs Office.

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