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                                     RON KENDALL                day services they need to accomplish unit and national security
                                       Department of the Army   objectives,” Duncan said.
                                     Civilian Ron Kendall was
                                     awarded the Superior Civilian   JEFFREY OLSON
                                     Service Medal, NATO Medal     DoD Expeditionary Civilian Jeffrey Olson was awarded the
                                     and Global War on Terrorism   NATO Medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal and Commander’s
                                     Service Medal for exceptional   Award for Civilian Service for his service as an environmental
                                     service to ASG-A.          engineer and contracting officer representative for Environmental
                                       Before redeploying to the   Services on FOB Fenty in Jalalabad. ASG-A Commander Peterson
                                     U.S., Kendall served as the site   presented the awards at FOB Fenty on Oct. 11.
                                     manager of FOB Dwyer in Hel-  After redeploying to the U.S. in October following a six-month
                                     mand Province.             deployment to ASG-A, he returned to his position as a regulatory
                                        Kendall said he enjoyed his   supervisor with the Army Corps of Engineers in St. Paul, Minn.
                                     assignment in support of the   A former U.S. Marine and Vietnam veteran who had also served
                                     Resolute Support Mission and   a previous DoD-EC tour in Afghanistan in 2016, Olson described
             Department of the Army Civilian Ron   will think of the people and   his time in Afghanistan as a “great opportunity to work with a
             Kendall was awarded the Superior Ci-  mission here long after he has   group of professional federal employees, and to not only make
             vilian Service Medal, NATO Medal and   redeployed.   a difference in the lives of the troops and civilians working and
             Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
             for exceptional service to ASG-A.  “The ASG mission kept us   living on base but also to help the local community.”
                                     very busy, but it made the year   The contracts he worked on both served the base and fostered
            go by very quickly,” he stated. “The services and support we   employment opportunities for the surrounding town.
            provide to the service members takes a lot of pressure off of them,
            because if ASG didn’t provide that service, they would use troop
            power to provide that support.”
               Kendall, a retired Army sergeant first class, redeployed in
            September to U.S. Army Alaska at JB Elmendorf-Richardson,
            Alaska, where he resumed his position as a force protection officer.

            DEREK DUNCAN
               DoD Expeditionary Ci-
            vilian Derek Duncan was
            awarded the Outstanding Ci-
            vilian Service Medal, NATO
            Medal, Global War on Ter-
            rorism Medal and Wartime
            Service and Civilian of the
            Month certificates for his ser-
            vice in Afghanistan during a
            ceremony on Sept. 17.
               Before redeploying to the
            U.S., he had served as the site                         (Right) Department of Defense Expeditionary Civilian (DoD-EC) Jeffery Friese
            manager, also known as the                              was awarded the NATO Medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Superior Civilian
            “mayor,” of FOB Dahlke West,                            Service Medal and a Civilian Wartime Service certificate for his service to the
                                                                    Area Support Group Afghanistan (ASG-A) at the command’s headquarters on
            located in the Logar province                           Bagram Airfield Oct. 9. The awards were presented by (left) ASG-A Commander
            of Eastern Afghanistan.                                 Col. Jacob Peterson.
               Duncan said he appre-  (Right) Department of Defense Expeditionary
            ciates the recognition but   Civilian (DoD-EC) Jeffrey Olson was awarded
            feels the assignment was his   the NATO Medal, Global War on Terrorism   JEFFERY FRIESE
            duty. “I’ve always felt that   Medal and Commander’s Award for Civilian   DoD Expeditionary Civilian received the NATO Medal, Global
            every able-bodied DoD ci-  Service for his service to the Area Support   War on Terrorism Medal, Superior Civilian Service Medal and a
                                    Group Afghanistan mission at ASG-A’s Forward
            vilian employee should try   Operating Base (FOB) Fenty in Jalalabad Oct.   Civilian Wartime Service certificate for his service as the ASG-A
            to make the journey to sup-  11, 2018. The awards were presented by (left)   director of public works and a liaison officer between the command
            port our military members in   ASG-A Commander Col. Jacob Peterson.  and U.S. Forces Afghanistan Joint Engineering at Bagram Airfield,
            the field,” he said. “It not only                   positions in which Friese called it “an honor and privilege” to
            demonstrates our commitment to supporting our service members,   serve. The awards were presented by ASG Commander Peterson
            but provides a first-person perspective on what it is those service   at the command’s headquarters at Bagram on Oct. 9.
            members go through in the field and the sacrifices they undertake   Following completion of his year-long deployment, he rede-
            by volunteering to serve.                           ployed Stateside in October, to his position as a senior project
               “My satisfaction comes from being out there with them to   manager for the Army Corps of Engineers in Newburgh, N.Y.
            establish a new base and to do what I was able to establish ser-
            vices and support to enable them to focus on their mission at the   Story and photos by Adriane Elliot, Area Support Group-
            tip of the spear, vice having to worry about how to get day-to-  Afghanistan (ASG-A).

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