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                  Keys to Success

                                     for USF Dining                                            BY DAVID DISALVO

             rends within the hospitality industry                           tinue to learn from our guests every day. The
          Tchange rapidly. Today’s innovative trends                         international recruiting focus of the university
          become tomorrow’s expectations and point                           enables an inclusive, exciting dining environ-
          of entry. In a world where “change is the                          ment. Through partnership with INTO USF
          only constant,” the best place to get a peek                       [a program that helps international students
          at innovation and the future is to spend time                      to succeed in higher education and adapt to
          with the customers.                                                the educational, social and cultural norms,
             At the University of South Florida (USF),                       and then progress on to undergraduate and
          the dining leadership team considers this                          graduate programs] and USF World [USF’s
          point every day in all that we do. At each                         doorway to relations with the global com-
          point of interaction throughout our day we                         munity] the dining team works with students
          are gathering diverse perspectives and taking                      from all over the globe. We celebrate the
          action to feedback.                                                diversity of our students every day through
             Five years ago, USF Dining, operated by                         our menus and environments. Each year,
          Aramark, began a journey of transforma-                            cohorts from across the campus and across
          tion with the USF students in mind. The                            the world collaborate on festivals, menus,
          strategy was centered on gathering and ana-                        holidays; and we literally shape the program-
          lyzing feedback from the diverse student                           ming together. The global student body at
          body, incorporating those findings into the dining program   USF keeps our dining program fresh and exciting while in-
          and forecasting future trends while establishing a continuous   corporating international flavors.
          loop for the process moving forward.                   In addition to the involvement of our student body, we
             Today, as you enter any of the 28 dining centers at the   have an incredible team of employees that provide outstand-
          University of South Florida, you are greeted with a smile by   ing experiences at each location, every day. In fact, of our
          one of our many employees, as well as a poster with the faces   1,100 team members, more than 600 are current students,
          of the leadership team along with their contact information,   with about 100 others that are graduates of the University of
          including cell phone numbers. What has proven to be most   South Florida. This number continues to grow through careful
          successful for USF Dining has been meeting the customers   strategy with the university. As a top recruiting institution for
          on a personal level — where they are and where they want to   Aramark, USF’s food service partner, there are several unique
          be — whether virtual or in person. Food service is an intimate   development programs that are available to students. These
          experience, and having a true connection with your customers   programs not only bolster the number of student employees
          helps establish a positive culture where guests’ voices are heard.  in the dining program, but increase the caliber of students
             USF Dining began their journey by proactively seeking   coming out of the institution.
          feedback and perspective from a wide array of student groups
          and campus constituencies. Key findings were that the cam-  The Results:
          pus community desired an extremely wide range of ways to   We were serving more than 4 million meals annually, and
          communicate and share their perspective and feedback with   the largest growth we have seen in the past five years is within
          the dining team. Not surprisingly, virtual application was key   the residential dining program. The student-centered approach
          and included text messages, survey apps, QR [quick response]   to the program has created an inclusive environment, and the
          codes and more.                                     students have responded. On average we have served more than
             However, equally important were in-person meetings. We   330,000 more residential meals each year after the project — a
          found that students wanted to engage personally, and we devel-  26 percent increase annually.
          oped a number of forums to connect with the campus. “Meet   The future is bright for the dining program at the University
          the Manager” sessions, dining councils, focus groups, food   of South Florida, with a brand new state-of-the-art dining facility
          forums and more structured meetings were critical ways the   opening its doors to students this summer. This commitment
          community wanted to communicate and were implemented   to student involvement will enrich and nourish the lives of the
          on campus.                                          USF community into the coming year.         —OCH
             One of the reasons for the success of the dining program
          at USF Dining is the international student presence and the   David DiSalvo is district manager with Aramark at the
          authenticity and engagement in the dining program. We con-  University of South Florida in Tampa.

          22   |  MARCH 2017                                                               ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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