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          A BOLDER

          Dining Experience

          At BOULDER

             he new Village Center Dining
           Tand Community Center at the
          University of Colorado, Boulder,                                             provide on main campus out
          (CU Boulder) brings some of the                                              at Williams Village,” he said.
          latest foodservice trends in higher                                             The Village Center’s dining
          education to an area of campus                                               aspects improve greatly upon
          that is on the rise.                                                         what was at Darley Commons.
             The construction of the new                                               “It had been built in the late
          facility is part of Housing & Din-                                           ’60s — kitchen in the base-
          ing Services’ ongoing master plan                                            ment; two levels up was the
          to upgrade foodservice locations                                             dining floor; a lot of ineffi-
          on campus. “The planning was to                               Photos by Jesse Peterson  ciencies and a lot of the old
          step up our game and offer our students a much more com-  cafeteria, lunch-lady kind of style,” said Keiser.
          parable dining facility out at Williams Village, which is not   Housing & Dining Services didn’t have to look far for
          a satellite campus, but another part of our campus off of our   inspiration for the new facility — in fact, they didn’t even
          central campus,” said Jon Keiser, PM, architect and project   have to leave the campus. In 2010, the Center for Community
          manager of the $48.9-million facility. “There is a perception   (C4C) opened on campus and, as profiled in the November
          by students who get assigned there that they are far away and   issue of On-Campus Hospitality that year, featured a number
          stuck out in Williams Village. It has been a very concerted   of dining innovations.
          effort by Housing & Dining the past eight or so years, building   “A lot of cues were taken from C4C,” said Keiser. “We
          new residence halls out there, trying to upgrade our facilities   took all of the positives and lessons learned, and we tried to
          that are out there and also building this new dining facility   not repeat those same mistakes, and learn and see how we
          and community commons building.”                    could improve on that at the Village Center. A lot of it was
             Unlike Darley Commons, the dining facility that the Village   operational and behind the scenes things as well. We also
          Center replaces, there are now other community aspects to the   worked with The Baker Group, who worked with us on C4C.”
          building. “We really tried to help impress upon the students   When it came to the food served in the Village Center, the
          and give them the same facilities and level of service that we   offerings had to be different from anything else on campus.

                                                              AT A GLANCE
                                                              VILLAGE CENTER DINING AND COMMUNITY CENTER

                                                                OPENED: January 11, 2017
                                                                  SIZE: 113,225 square feet
                                                                   SEATS: 650 in multiple seating areas, plus 49 in private dining room,
                                                                    plus 200 outdoors on 4 patios
                                                                     PROJECT COST: $48.9 million
                                                                     EQUIPMENT PACKAGE: $5 million
                                                                     KEY PLAYERS:
                                                                     DIRECTOR: Paul Houle, CEC
                                                                     ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: Juergen Friese, CFSP
                                                                    PROJECT MANAGER: Jon Keiser PM
                                                                   EXECUTIVE CHEF: Eliah Golden
                                                                 ARCHITECT AND INTERIOR DESIGN: KSQ Design PC
                                                                FOODSERVICE CONSULTANTS: Baker Group
                                                              EQUIPMENT DEALER: Johnson Lancaster
                                                              CONSTRUCTION: GE Johnson Construction Company

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