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             Georgia Tech

              Eliminates Receipts

               ining Services at the Georgia Institute of Technology
               (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta recently made a simple change
            Dthat will potentially save hundreds of trees — and some
            green. It has eliminated receipts at its 15 dining locations.
              The idea for the receipt elimination came from two students,
            Zoe Holderness and Emma Weinberg. The two frequently dined
            at Georgia Tech (GT) Dining locations, operated by Sodexo,
            and realized the opportunity to substantially decrease paper
            waste by getting rid of receipts.
              After coming up with the idea, they contacted
            the necessary departments to strategize a
            plan and implement it. They worked with
            Campus Services and Malte Weiland,
            the school’s sustainability project
            manager, to recently launch the
              In 2016, the 15 campus
            dining locations eliminating
            receipts had 2,474,839 trans-
            actions, each producing a re-
            ceipt. “If applying data from
            a Huffington Post article that                                                  initiatives as well. They are
            ‘55,000 receipts spare one                                                      currently studying abroad,
            tree,’ then GT Dining Ser-                                                      but when they return, they
            vices will save roughly 45                                                     will be working on engage-
            trees annually by eliminating                                                  ment products where they
            receipts,” according to Dining                                                will help share that impact
            Services.                                                                     as well.”
              “This effort contributes to                                                  Along with the sustain-
            Georgia Tech’s sustainability                                               ability initiatives of eliminating
            mission to ‘preserve resources,                                           receipts, there is a cost benefit.
            reduce our environmental impact,                                        “From our standpoint, it is a low-
            and inspire action toward sustainable                                 hanging fruit,” said Weiland. “It is a
            outcomes,’” said Staci Flores, resident                            savings we can easily achieve. There is
            district manager with Sodexo.                                   no real cost to implement. The real benefit, in
              The Sequoia point-of-sale system will no longer         addition to the cost savings, is the cultural one of get-
            automatically print receipts at these 15 locations. Instead,   ting the students and the GT community to think about their
            cashiers will ask customers if they would like a printed copy.   choices. They are going to confront the choice of not taking
            Customers can also view transactions on their BuzzCard ac-  the receipt. Our biggest benefit will be from that impact on
            counts when paying with a meal plan, dining points or BuzzCard   the consciousness of waste generation in the community.”
            funds. “The majority of people are not asking for a receipt,”   The launch has been well received. “It has been very posi-
            she said. “There have been the occasional, usually because   tive,” said Flores. “People have been declining the printed
            they have to do an expense report. It is typically visitors and   receipts. We are meeting the expectations of our GT com-
            not the students who ask for them.”                 munity by opting to preserve our natural resources.”
              The launch of the initiative coincided with a marketing   Weiland said that the school has always encouraged ideas
            campaign to help introduce it and encourage participation. “Our   from students when it comes to improving campus life. “We
            marketing team launched a campus-wide campaign,” said Flores.   are all very accessible to hear from students, for a class project
            “They have signage. There has also been engagement activity,   or a student who has an idea about sustainability,” he said.
            such as tabling during Earth Day. We will give them updates   “It is really a great way for us to gain ideas, because they are
            regarding impact on our website and social media. Students   usually looking at things from a different lens than we are.”
            Zoe and Emma have been very instrumental at conducting the                                      —OCH

            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY                                                                  MARCH 2017  |   13
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