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their mission and their pole-and-line                                  them and onto the plate.”
            catch methods.”                                                           Students are reacting positively to
               The school also sources some of                                     the sustainable seafood. “I think a lot
            its seafood from Sea to Table, which                                   of students don’t understand, unless
            Wonder was first introduced to at the                                  they have studied it or are interested in
            National Association of College and                                    it on their personal time, why a lot of
            University Foodservices (NACUFS)                                       seafood is not sustainable,” she said.
            annual conference in Anaheim, Calif.,                                  “When we explain that to them, we
            in 2016. “When they showed exactly                                     explain that we are sourcing mostly
            how their fish were caught and the kind                                sustainable seafood, they are very
            of methods that all of the fishermen                                   happy and they have a lot of pride
            they source their fish from use, I was                                 in that we source that kind of fish on
            really happy that we were bringing                                     campus.”
            them onto campus because I support                                        The school will be increasing
            their mission and what they do,” she                                   its sustainable food offerings with a
            said. “We have done a lot of advocating                                soon-to-be unveiled “Sustainable Ca-
            for that kind of fishing and teaching                                  tering Menu.” “Right now we have a
            students about where their seafood is                                  standard catering menu, and it has a
            coming from.”                                                          lot of sustainable ingredients in it,”
               In the efforts to educate students                                  said Wonder. “This new one will just
            on sustainable seafood and help them                                   have sustainable ingredients in it. It
            make it a purchasing practice off-                                     will be all local and seasonal produce,
            campus, Spartan Shops uses various methods. “I do a lot of   organic chicken, cage-free eggs; and one of the dishes will
            marketing and communication for sustainability on campus,   be a seasonal wild-caught fish with an orange butter sauce
            so again I push a lot of the students, faculty and staff to use   with seasonal grilled fruit that is going to be delicious. The
            the Monterey Bay Seafood app because it helps you when   great thing about that is we are not promising any kind of
            purchasing seafood off campus, as well,” said Wonder. “We   fish, because we see what is available at the time. There are
            have some great infographics on sustainable fishing. It shows   a lot of mild white fish that taste like cod, but you can serve
            the journey of the fish from small-scale fishermen catching   them as seasonal wild-caught fish.”    —OCH

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