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Around the Campus

            Amols Retiring from                            Testory to Lead Dining and

                  Murray State                        Culinary Services at UW-Madison

                aula Amols, director of Dining Ser-  he University of Wisconsin-Madison recently named
             Pvices at Murray State University in  TPeter Testory as director of Dining and Culinary Ser-
            Kentucky, has announced her retirement.   vices at its Division of University Housing.
                                                 Prior to coming to UW-Madison, Testory served for four
                                              years as assistant director of support and culinary operations
                                              at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colo., where he
                                              oversaw all residential culinary operations, catering, retail
                                              outlets, food preparation and menu management. He also
                                              worked for almost ten years at the University of Illinois
                                              at Urbana-Champaign, serving as a production chef and a
                                              variety of other positions.                            Testory
                                                 “From a very early age I knew that the restaurant industry
                                              was my calling,” said Testory. “To me, food has always represented a sense of
                                              family and enjoyment and a great way to bring everyone together.”
                                                 At UW-Madison, he oversees a dining and catering operation with an annual
               Amols has been with Murray State   operating budget of $28 million, and one that employs approximately 130 full-
            for five years, after spending 23 years   time staff, including 45 managers and 1,100 student staff. “The dining program
            with Cornell University. She has said   here at UW-Madison had a very solid foundation, fantastic infrastructure and a
            that the director “provides a vision for   great team already in place,” he said. “I’m excited about being a part of such a
            where they would like to see dining   great organization.”
            services go and follow through with   A unique aspect of the UW-Madison dining program that Testory inherits is
            these plans and make them happen.”  its entirely a la carte structure, which does not require students to have a meal
               Terri Benton, assistant director of   plan, unlike most other schools. “Our structure is our biggest challenge and also
            Dining Services, said Amols has done   our greatest opportunity,” he said. “We have to compete for business just like
            just that. “We have enjoyed having her,”   every other foodservice operation does around campus, and it challenges every
            Benton said. “She really listens to the   person within our department to continually find new and inventive ways to entice
            students and really hears what they   students and grow our business.”
            have to say.”                        As Testory settles into the new role, he sees great things ahead. “There is not
               During her retirement, Amols said   much more a new director could possibly ask for in a new opportunity. And get-
            she plans to go back to her hometown   ting to move to Madison was the icing on the cake. It’s a great food town, and it’s
            of Ithaca, N.Y., to be back with her   an honor to be back in the Big Ten.”
            friends and family. She said she plans
            to buy “a fixer-upper” house to give
            her something to make her own and   UMass Dining App Wins Mobile Web Award
            to continue volunteering with a local
            no-kill shelter at which she has volun-
            teered previously.                     Mass Dining at the University of Massachusetts
               She said her favorite events hosted  UAmherst received a Mobile Web Award for Out-
            during her career at Murray State were                       standing Achievement
            the Harvest Dinner and the Chinese New                       in Mobile Development
            Year celebration, and hopes that these                       2016 from the Web
            two events will continue to grow on                          Marketing Association
            campus.                                                      during an international
               “We wish Paula the best in her re-                        competition that rec-
            tirement,” said Emily Asher, manager                         ognizes excellence in
            of data and communications for Dining                        design of apps and web presence.
            Services and Racer Hospitality. “While                          Available for free downloading from the Apple
            she will no doubt be missed by our staff                     App Store and Google Play Store, the UMass
            and many others on campus, I know                            Dining app makes it simple to access favorite
            she is excited about her new chapter.”                       campus dining locations with daily menus, nutri-
               Amols said she is optimistic on how                       ent analysis, operating hours, real-time traffic
            she is leaving the staff at Murray State,                    reports, special offers and other information.
            and hopes that they will continue in a                          App users can also receive notifications and
            positive direction.                                          special offers from nearby UMass Dining loca-
               “She has had a significant impact on                      tions using Beacon technology, and get directions
            the university, and her leadership has                       to any UMass Dining location. Other features
            helped the dining program grow here                          allow users to mark favorite dining locations for
            at MSU,” Asher said.                                         quick accessibility, plan menus, choose dietary

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