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Pub Grub


          Nugget                              at CSULB

             he Nugget is a legend on the campus of California State   items to add. Flatbread pizzas are one of those additions. “The
             University, Long Beach (CSULB) — and rumor has it   flatbread idea came from students,” she said. “A lot of the
          Tthat some legendary musical acts, like Led Zeppelin and   menu items that we put on there and that continue to evolve,
          Sublime, have played there.                         come from student input. When people request something,
             “It is an iconic space,” said Kierstin Stickney, director of   or they Yelp something, or they let us know that they would
          marketing and communications with Forty-Niner Shops at   like it, we take it seriously.”
          the university. “It is probably the most popular restaurant on   They also get ideas from a leadership class held for 49er
          campus. It is a Cheers-type of atmosphere where               Shops employees. “It is an eight-week-long course
          everyone gathers.”                                                 that we put all of our students through who
             The quick-service restaurant, which                                are going through supervisory or leader-
          opened in 1976, features breakfast                                      ship roles,” said Stickney. “One of
          and a pub-type menu for lunch and                                         the fun tasks they do is create a
          dinner. “We serve our breakfast                                            new item for The Nugget. Some
          menu from 7:30 to 10:55 a.m.,”                                              of the items on the menu have
          said Stickney. “That has eggs,                                               come from that class.”
          omelets, oatmeal, French toast,                                                 In addition to the food be-
          breakfast burritos, waffles,                                                 ing a draw to The Nugget, the
          breakfast sandwiches and                                                     venue is home to a number of
          breakfast bowls.”                                                            promotions to bring the guests
             Some breakfast items are                                                  in. One of those promotions is
          available all day. One popular                                              “Whispering Word Wednesdays.”
          item is the LB Burrito. “It has                                            “We are always looking for fun lit-
          eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage, avo-                                       tle things to do to engage students,”
          cado, chipotle ranch, salsa and tater                                   she said. “This is something that we
          tots,” she said. “It is a pound.”                                    do on social media every Wednesday.
             The menu for the rest of the day is made up                    We rotate it between our dining locations.
          of a variety of favorites. “We also have all kinds of         We have a schedule where we do a promotion and
          appetizers, quesadillas, burritos, chicken tenders,” said Stickney.   have students whisper something to the cashiers in order to
          “The chicken tenders are probably our most popular item.”  redeem it. It is pretty fun. Students get into it. We will have
             Another popular item according to Stickney is the Pub   a couple hundred redemptions a day on those. Most of the
          Burger. “It is a half-pound cheeseburger with jalapeños, bal-  popular ones do occur at The Nugget. The most popular one
          samic onion aioli on a potato bun. It takes a little longer to   is usually $1 fries. They just love the $1 fries.”
          cook, but we tell everybody it is worth the wait. It is a good   Live entertainment is part of the atmosphere several times
                                 burger.”                     a week. “We have entertainment a few nights a week, whether
                                     While the Pub Burger has   that be our K-Beach DJ, our on-campus radios station, or battle
                                     been a mainstay for many   of the bands or jazz nights,” said Stickney. “We have all kinds
                                       years, the school is al-  of stuff in there. It is a fun gathering place at night. It is busy
                                           ways on the look-  during the day. It is definitely one of our busier locations.”
                                                 out for new     While The Nugget is usually closed on the weekends, a
                                                              recent promotion has drawn students during game days. “Right
                                                              now we are doing a promotion with Athletics and K-Beach
                                                              Radio where we have fives dates of popular men’s basketball
                                                              games,” she said. “We are doing a special promotion called
                                                              ‘Meet Me at The Nugget.’ Two hours before these five men’s
                                                              basketball games, we have a DJ. We have a special $5 menu.
                                                              We are giving away a bunch of free gear. It is a pre-party
                                                              before you would walk down to the Pyramid where the men’s
                                                              basketball game takes place.”               —OCH

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