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                  Cooking Demos

                  Connect Chefs with Campus Community

                      BY SONNY COSPER AND ADAM SMITH
               ast summer, NC State Dining was looking for ad-
               ditional ways to educate our campus community
          Lon how they could create healthier, tastier meals
          at home — while also promoting the nutritious food we
          have available at our dining facilities. To that end, we
          introduced a series of cooking demonstrations aimed at
          engaging students and staff.
             As a result of these events, we found that the interac-
          tive nature elevated the influence of our brand on campus.
          Each time we posted an event, the spots filled up within
          hours, and the feedback after the events was stellar. Many
          students and staff now knew our chefs by name and could
          see all that goes into creating a fresh, nutritious meal.

             Cooking demos give participants a glimpse at the meal   Smith                     Cosper
          planning process, from ingredient selection to recipe comple-
          tion. As chefs, we have the opportunity to showcase our   alleviating participants’ cooking anxiety. They enjoy the guided
          preparation methods, and students and staff can learn more   experience of seeing a healthy meal come together from basic
          about the journey their food takes to get to their plate. By   ingredients.
          explaining where our dining program sources our ingredients,   Getting hands-on experience working with fresh ingredi-
          we provide meaningful background information on the meals   ents encourages participants to try the recipes at home. We
          served in our facilities. Students and staff are excited to learn   give each student or staff member a recipe card to take with
          more about the food around them and are eager to see the   them at the end of the demo, so they’ll be able to make the
          work that goes into making the tasty dishes they eat every day.   recipe again on their own. By giving them a taste of their own
             In telling the culinary story of our food, we’re creating an   cooking abilities, we boost their confidence and encourage
          enhanced dining experience for our students.        participants to explore other healthy cooking methods.

          STRENGTHEN CAMPUS RELATIONSHIPS                     Tips for an Excellent Cooking Demo
             Facilitating conversation between students and dining staff   If you are thinking about putting together a cooking demo
          can be difficult on a day-to-day basis, but it is vital to creating   for your dining program, here are a few ways to ensure it’s
          a positive customer experience. At cooking demo events, we   successful.
          get a unique opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns
          students or staff may have, while gaining instant customer   OFFER A TAKEAWAY ITEM FOR PARTICIPANTS TO BRING HOME.
          feedback on our dining facilities, food and service. This al-  Something as easy as a jar of dressing or a branded cooking
          lows a connection to be established between dining staff and   utensil can keep the experience fresh in their mind.
          participants and gives program leaders ideas on how to further
          improve the dining experience.                      ENSURE YOUR FINAL PRODUCT IS PICTURE PERFECT.
             Hosting these events also gives us a way to promote new or   Participants love to post their completed demo meals on
          underutilized facets of our program. For example, we hosted   social media and having a great looking dish can help promote
          one of our demonstrations at the restaurant in our golf course   any future cooking demos your dining program has in store.
          clubhouse, which many of the participants had never visited.
          Many of our participants are now regular guests at this facility.   INVOLVE YOUR AUDIENCE.
                                                                 Getting participants up and working with their hands to
          FOSTER A CULTURE OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS             create a flavorful final product reinforces the idea that cook-
             To some people, cooking healthy meals can be a daunting   ing healthy meals is both fun and doable. They’ll be more
                    task. We have used these demos to show students   confident in their cooking abilities and your cooking demo
                                     and staff how to create ap-  will be all the more lively.
                                             proachable, nutri-
                                                 tious dishes,   Sonny Cosper and Adam Smith are executive chefs at North
                                                              Carolina State University in Raleigh.

          22   |  OCTOBER 2017                                                             ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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