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            A few thoughts on flavor.

            Like,           202 OF THEM.

                                             THE CHEFS at Ken’s spend their days crafting delicious                           T:10.875”
                                             dressings, sauces and recipes. It’s all they do. They currently have

                                             202 flavors, including 18 kinds of Ranch. What’s the next Sriracha?
                                             We’ve got a guy working on that right now. Ken’s will create flavors

                                             for you that are loaded with off-the-chart tastiness and will keep
              Ken’s is always thinking
              up new flavors. And new        customers coming back for more.
                 ways to use them.
                                             We’re available everywhere. Just ask.

                     Get a taste of what’s to come at Or order by calling 800-633-5800.

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