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Alto-Shaam Achieves Highest Papa John’s Reaches
Level of ISO 9001 Certification Clean-Label Milestone
In a brightly lit factory, huge white boards list produc- After announcing in June 2015 that it was working to remove
tion goals for the day. Nearby, massive machines punch 14 unwanted ingredients from its menu, Papa John’s has
and cut thick sheets of metal, while digital screens scat- achieved that goal.
tered throughout workspaces keep employees updated on
the team’s progress. This is the scene of a global company In a letter, Founder, Chairman and CEO “Papa John” Schnat-
operating under the standards of a newly achieved ISO ter, announced that the company has removed the following
9001:2015 certification. ingredients from its menus:
Two years ago, Menomonee Falls, Wis. -based commercial Artificial Colors (Synthetic and Certified FD&C)
foodservice equipment manufacturer Alto-Shaam undertook
a huge initiative to bring its company processes up to speed • Synthetic Beta Carotene • Caramel Color
in order to meet an increasingly demanding economy. It
began with the creation of a quality management system • Corn Syrup Solids • Titanium Dioxide
(QMS) and included documenting processes across every
department and identifying accountable owners. (color enhancer)
The company received confirmation from an independent Artificial Flavors
auditor in August that it complies with the requirements of • Vanillin
the highest level of ISO 9001 standards. ISO 9001:2015 is
an international standard that demonstrates the ability to Flavor Enhancers
consistently provide products and services that meet cus-
tomer and regulatory requirements. • Disodium Guanylate • Disodium Inosinate
The certification was a strategic objective for Alto-Shaam, • Hydrolyzed Corn/Soy Protein • Autolyzed Yeast
which has doubled its businesses in the past five years. Achiev-
ing the certification was a long journey led by Alto-Shaam Sweeteners • Corn Syrup
Quality Engineer/QMS Manager Nick Wagner. • HFCS
The certification does not mean the company will be Preservatives • Phosphoric Acids
resting any time soon. Executives, managers and all em- • Calcium Propionate
ployees will continuously improve the company’s processes
and procedures to provide the best value and quality for Other
its customers. • Maltodextrin - thickener
“This is just the beginning,” said Steve Maahs, president “As part of our Clean Label commitment to you, Papa
of Alto-Shaam. “We will continuously improve as we strive John’s was the first national pizza-delivery chain to announce
toward the highest-quality products and services for our the removal of: preservatives such as BHA and BHT, flavor
customers. This tool helps us conduct best practices as we enhancer MSG, cellulose and partially hydrogenated oils and
listen to our customers’ needs.” high-fructose corn syrup,” he said. “We also fully transitioned
our chicken used in grilled chicken pizza toppings and chicken
The ISO 9001:2015 certification was awarded just months poppers to be fed on a vegetarian diet and raised without hu-
after Alto-Shaam was named Wisconsin Manufacturer of man or animal antibiotics. And, as we promised this summer,
the Year. we’ve completed the transition to cage-free eggs across our
entire menu.”
Ken’s Essentials dressings are
now available in pour bottles. Sea Watch Deep Fried Clam Chowda
Each of the 10 flavors has the allows consumers to eat clam chow-
bold flavor that has made Ken’s der with their fingers. The company has
a leader in food service with no formed a creamy chowder center, coated
high-fructose corn syrup, no artifi- it in panko crumbs and fried it. Each
cial preservatives and no artificial piece is 0.75 ounces and packed in
flavors. Each bottle has an easy-
to-read label to give customers 2/5 lb. Ziploc bags.
the information they crave.