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Trends decisions outside of campus dining. for breakfast, lunch and dinner that meet
their needs. Since all students’ dietary
offer health-conscious dishes throughout GLEBUS: We have allergy stations in needs are different, we handle each one
campus and all locations. slightly different. Some students look at
our residential dining facilities. Each the menu app, choose a dining hall and
JOHN TOMPKINS: As well as providing consists of a gluten-free oven along with navigate themselves. Others call ahead.
supporting small wares that are all purple
a core menu that is extensive in culinary for identification. We also offer personal NICOLINI: We provide students with
variety, we provide rotating daily specials consultations with students one-on-one
that are contemporary in national trends. to discuss their needs and introduce them dietary needs several options. We have
Menus are refreshed utilizing past data on to the general managers and chefs of the a registered dietitian who will schedule
well-accepted menu items. Each meal is facilities they will be frequenting so that one-on-one meetings with our custom-
strategically planned to incorporate sev- they can chat about options that meet the ers to help them through the process of
eral different options at several different needs of the students. finding menu items available to them
serving locations. Inclusion of nutritional to eat. We encourage the customer to
needs for a variety of diets are met in this KOERNER: We have developed a “Natu- ask for something made just for them
manner. Cooks and servers are trained to as needed. We introduce the students
follow recipes for consistency. ral” platform where we do not serve any to the staff so they can speak to any of
of the top-eight allergens or pork. The the full-time culinary staff members at
SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS platform uses as much local produce sea- any time to discuss their expectations
sonably as possible and complements the and hear what we can offer them to help
OCH: The population of students theme of the day, pasta, Thai, street tacos, fulfill their needs. We have also special-
with special dietary needs seems to etc., with flavored oils, stocks and sauces ordered items from our vendors for our
be growing every year. How do you that fit the allergen-friendly platform. customers with special dietary needs.
work to provide these students offer- This platform also allows the customer
to customize their own dish and their PIGNAGRANDE: We addressed this by
ings that meet their needs? meal is cooked for them to order.
creating a station dedicated to serving
ANNE: We focus on real foods. This We have a dietitian, Alice Ma, who top-eight allergen-free food and gluten-
works very closely with students and each removed. We also have a card access
allows more customers to enjoy the foods of the executive chefs and general man- gluten-free pantry that grants access
because of fewer hidden ingredients. A agers (GM). When she is contacted by a when a student meets with the campus
labeling system with colored icons is used student with dietary needs, she meets with nutritionist. All of our locations work
throughout all menus, giving a comfort them in the dining center they frequent with students who have severe allergies or
for those customers who are following most with the chef and GM to discuss the dietary needs that require specially pre-
certain dietary needs. Also, within all dining options available to them. pared meals executed by location chefs.
restaurants and cafés we are able to offer
gluten-friendly items, along with vegan LANDOLPHI: We advertise on menu TOMPKINS: Starting with orientation,
and vegetarian-friendly.
screens, the Dining Services website the culinary team begins their relation-
CRAIG: My culinary team and I speak and at freshman orientations that we ships with students identifying with di-
are capable of handling dietary needs, etary restrictions. We encourage these
to all incoming students and parents at the and that anyone who requires a special students to remain communicative with
university’s orientation to gain an insight diet should schedule a meeting with our our front-line associates, as well as the
on their dietary needs. This helps to as- Culinary Nutrition Team. That team is managers. All menu items offered are
sess our menu planning to accommodate made up of a registered dietitian, assistant clearly labeled, yet we encourage students
their diet. When we have specific cases, director of residential dining, assistant to seek guidance on any in question.
the culinary team can provide special- director of culinary operations, manager
ized meals upon the student’s request. We and production chef from the dining hall Visit
give additional education to their dietary of the student’s choice. We then interview for more from the chefs.
needs. This helps the students make good them to determine what foods they eat
Assistant Director of Culinary Culinary Manager, Penn State PC III, CEC, Senior Executive Chef Campus Chef (Aramark),
The College of Saint Rose,
Operations, University of University Worthington (Aramark), University of
Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. Albany, N.Y.
12 | NOVEMBER 2016