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Special Dietary Needs
UT-Austin on the FAST Track to
Healthy, Allergen-Free Meals
The Division of Housing and Food Service
(DHFS) at the University of Texas at The station allows students re-
Austin will be offering students with special quiring special meals to also have
dietary needs — and other students just look- that communal dining experience,
ing for great, healthy food — a new option but without the concern for cross
this month with the scheduled opening of contact that naturally comes with
Fresh and Simple Tastes (FAST) at its Jester an all-you-care-to-eat buffet-style
Second Floor Dining Hall. environment. To help avoid cross
contact, “the food items served on
“Creating a serving line that is free of that line will be stored on that line,
the top allergens has been on DHFS’s radar prepped on that line, and served
for a few years, as we have seen an increase on that line, with no access for
in the number of students requesting dining self-service by the students,” said
accommodations due to food allergies,” said Wilson. “With this new station, not
Lindsay Wilson, MS, RD, LD, the school’s only has the menu been planned
registered dietitian. “We also wanted to make to be free of the top allergens,
sure that it was something that would appeal but the staff at the station will
to all of our students. We feature be trained members of our Food
lean proteins, gluten-free whole Allergy Support Team, or FAST,
grains and heart-healthy fats. if that acronym sounds familiar.”
Everything served on this line
will be free from the top-eight The FAST team offers educa-
allergens and gluten. Each dish tional materials, staff training and
will be freshly prepared right on potential dining and living accom-
the serving line using in-season modations to make managing a food allergy a little easier.
produce from the DHFS campus “Students can find a FAST member by looking for our logo
gardens and local Austin farms.” if they need help or advice,” she said. “Students can stay a
step ahead of food allergies with support from FAST. Through
Many of the recipes at the sta- this training, the goal is for all FAST representatives to be
tion have never been served before capable and competent to be able to research and confirm
on campus, and are not just reci- food ingredients, safely prepare customer food requests and
pes that removed or substituted successfully provide excellent customer service through the
problematic ingredients. With use of available resources and education.”
dishes like Salsa Verde Chicken In addition, DHFS requires that all directors, managers, as-
Tostadas with Southwest Black
Beans and Roasted Chayote
Squash; Polenta with a Lentil
Mushroom Ragu and Grilled
Italian Vegetables; and Chick-
en-Fajita-Stuffed Sweet Potato
with a Southwest Chopped Salad,
students should be able to find
something that fits their tastes.
Prior to the opening of FAST,
DHFS fed students with special
dietary needs through a made-to-order meal system at its
Littlefield Patio Café and Cypress Bend Café. “Students who
have been approved for dining accommodations through the
Services for Students with Disabilities office can pre-order
meals that fit their medically prescribed dietary restrictions
and have their meals prepared separately to ensure their food
is safe from cross contact,” she said. “This process has worked
out well for us thus far with regards to keeping food-allergic
students safe, but this route does limit the social and com-
munal aspect of dining in the collegiate setting.”