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          Buffalo Lowering Sodium

                ampus Dining & Shops (CDS) at the University at   has other ingredients like sesame and poppy seeds. Making
                Buffalo in New York is collaborating with Cornell   that switch reduced sodium by 45 percent.
          C Cooperative Extension of Niagara County as part of   The school also made a change to a lower-sodium sliced
          a five-year, $1.975 million grant that the New York State De-  turkey for its deli sandwiches. “We are reaching out to com-
          partment of Health (NYSDOH) received from the Centers for   panies to see what their low-sodium options are and whether
          Disease Control and Prevention for the Sodium Reduction in   they are able to supply the volume that we need,” said Bend-
          Communities Program. The goal of the program is to imple-  ersky. “We slice a lot of turkey at our units. That was another
          ment and evaluate community-based strategies for reducing   challenge, not only to source a low-sodium item, but also will
          sodium consumption in early childhood education centers   they be able to meet our volume needs on campus. Flavor was
          along with universities and colleges in four New York counties.  also a major factor.”
             “It is a five-year public health initiative to basically help   Tweaking of recipes has also brought the sodium content
          prevent risk factors for high blood pressure and heart dis-  down. “As we have gone through our recipes, working very
          ease,” said Lori Bendersky, MS, RD, CDN for CDS. “It isn’t   closely with Lori, we were very conscientious of trying to bal-
          necessarily that students are at risk at this time in their life,   ance the nutritional needs, particularly in regards to sodium,”
          but it is something they should think about as they enter into   said Executive Chef Neal Plazio. “Is there a flavor that we can
          adulthood in terms of selecting their own foods. We definitely   introduce that offsets that desire for salt? Just like the pretzel
          were excited about the initiative and anything we can do to   thins, something like vinegar or something tart will highlight
          make our recipes better and healthier for our students, faculty   the food. We have been mindful of this for the four years I
          and campus community.”                              have been here — trying to balance what is going into the
             With the grant being for a five-year period, CDS wanted to   recipes. That has been going on for a while.”
          start small. “We didn’t want to tackle too much at once, so we   CDS was able to analyze the nutrition content of its recipes
          thought the first area we would target is grab ’n go because we   using Foodservice Suite from CBORD. “It is our primary
          distribute a lot of that food across campus,” said Bendersky.   program that we use on campus,” said Bendersky. “That is
          “It is just an easy way to start the first year. Moving forward,   how we create recipes on campus and do all of the nutritional
          we are also going to be looking at our dining centers and some   analysis ingredient information. That way we can also publish
          of our food courts and expanding from there.”       that onto our nutrition websites. The students have access to
             The first area looked at was the sodium content of current   that information for all of our recipes, including grab ’n go.
          recipes and purchased items sold in the program. “We did an   They can view the nutrition facts label, including the sodium,
          analysis of all of the items that we currently sold in grab ’n   of all of our recipes online or printed on the product.”
          go and targeted those specific items or recipes that were very   In some cases, the school has replaced purchased items by
          high in sodium and tried to see if we could either tweak the   making them themselves. “I think some of the real concern for
          recipe or see if there was another item we could purchase that   grab ’n go comes with some of the items being purchased,”
          would lower the sodium content,” she said.          said Plazio. “Bought dressings tend to be higher in sodium,
             For example, the school went from a regular pretzel thin,   so with some of our smaller operations, like our food truck,
          which is topped with salt, to the everything variety, which   we have gone to homemade dressings, and we have been able

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