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            Zoodle Salad

            4 large zucchini                                    Strawberry Almond
            2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved                      Overnight Oats
            2 tablespoons olive oil
            1 cup mozzarella pearls                             INGREDIENTS:
            2 tablespoons lemon juice                           ½ cup organic steel cut oatmeal
            1 clove garlic, minced                              ½ cup Greek nonfat vanilla yogurt
            2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar                      2 tablespoons almond milk
                                                                ¼ cup sliced strawberries
            PREPARATION:                                        2 tablespoons organic granola
            1. Using a spiralizer, create zoodles out of zucchini.
            2. Toss zucchini with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil.   PREPARATION:
               Let marinate for 15 minutes.                     1. In a bowl, combine oats, Greek yogurt and almond milk.
            3. Top with mozzarella and tomatoes.                2. Let oats sit in refrigerator overnight.
            4. Provide dressing on the side                     3. Top with strawberries and granola.

            YIELD: 4 servings                                   YIELD: 1 serving

            to reduce the sodium drastically.”                     She continued, “They all seemed very excited about it.
               As part of the grant, CDS was able to purchase some new   That was our first effort, and I will go out throughout the
            equipment to help introduce new options to students. “The   year and try to educate these students on this grant and our
            vegetable spiralizer was something we decided to purchase,”   initiatives that we are rolling out in terms of the dining centers
            said Bendersky. “It is trending right now. We decided to make   and the food courts. A lot of students are being more health
            a spiralized zoodle salad. It looks very colorful.” [See recipe   conscious, and they are very excited about any changes that
            above.]                                             we make in terms of that.”
               The school has also worked to educate the campus com-  While students aren’t necessarily in a high-risk group for
            munity on lower-sodium diets and introduce the new items.   heart disease, the program hopes to establish good habits.
            “If you label something low-sodium, people tend to think it is   “Heart disease doesn’t happen overnight, it is years and years
            not going to taste good,” she said. “We try to be careful with   of poor diet,” said Bendersky. “That is why they always try
            marketing in terms of the food, and showing that you don’t   to start early through K-12 and colleges and educate people
            need to add a lot of salt to something to make it flavorful.   on their diets and trying to be more mindful. It is not neces-
            There are other cooking methods or other things you can do   sarily saying they should go on a low-sodium diet, but just
            to bring out the natural flavors versus just adding a lot of salt.”  being conscious of the foods that are higher in sodium. A lot
               CDS has begun holding tastings for students, recently of-  of times, it is hidden sources of sodium.”
            fering the zoodle salad and another new item, overnight oats.   In addition to the students welcoming the program, the
            “It is very low in sodium,” said Bendersky. “We used steel   nearly 12,000 faculty and staff on the school’s campuses have
            cut oatmeal, almond milk [from Silk], Greek yogurt [from   reacted positively to it. “We received a lot of positive feedback
            Upstate Farms] and fresh strawberries, as a grab ’n go op-  that they really think that this is the right thing to do,” said
            tion. Students can either have it as a snack or on the go in the   Raymond Kohl, marketing manager. “They are glad to see us
            morning for breakfast. It has been a huge hit too. It is also   making these changes as well. That has been really positive.”
            very trendy right now.” [See recipe above.]                                                     —OCH

            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY                                                               NOVEMBER 2017  |   17
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