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               Brig. Gen. Rodney Fogg, 54th        Capt. Chris Mosher, SC, USN,
               Quartermaster General, Quarter-     then director of subsistence,      CW5 Johnny McClain, Third Army/
               master School, Combined Arms        Subsistence Supply Chain, DLA      U.S. Army Central Command.
                   Support Command.                     Troop Support.
          compared with essential categories, such as war-fighting   “For our military assistance program, we like to bring
          platforms, increasing mobility and the lethality of weap-  in interesting speakers. The last meeting we had an Air
          ons systems, he said. Particularly at times when funding   Force colonel who was a prisoner of war during Vietnam
          is tight, he continued, less money is made available for   with John McCain for six or seven years; that was well
          modernization of support equipment.                 received,” McNulty said.
             “We’re trying to put some emphasis on that,” he said.   A regular feature of R&DA’s Annual Spring Meeting is
          “I’m always doing that when I’m talking with military   the exhibition, or trade show. Always scheduled for the
          leaders and decision-makers who make prioritization deci-  afternoon of the meeting’s first day, Tuesday, it comprises
          sions — don’t forget about food. We’ve got new kitchens   about 40 vendors exhibiting in individual booths.
          that are being designed, they need funding to get them   Also important is the charity golf event on the afternoon
          through the cycle of research and development.”     of the second day. “That charity golf event has proven
             McNulty expects DLA Troop Support to continue its   to be a real success, a big money-maker for our military
          emphasis on the prime vendor side, although they also   assistance program charity,” McNulty said.
          are participating in the ration workgroups, and they have   Vendors interested in learning more about and enter-
          speakers who will provide updates on the procurement   ing the military subsistence marketplace conversation can
          of certain rations.                                 be initiated by attending R&DA’s Boot Camp. Boot Camp
                                                              gives members without a military background a big picture
          OTHER FEATURES                                      for a better understanding of government.
             Programming continues with a slate of educational   Last fall, McNulty expanded Boot Camp to 90 minutes
          sessions, including a rations workgroup led by John Kowal-  with the addition of a half hour devoted to how the De-
          chik, president and CEO of the Warnick Co., and featuring   fense Department operates.
          speakers from Natick, DLA Troop Support, the Agriculture   This spring, the full Boot Camp program is about two
          Department and the Army Public Health Center. “That’s   and a half hours on the Monday before the meeting be-
          our longest-running workshop, and it’s always very, very   gins. “What we’ve added to that is a UGR-A (Unitized
          popular,” he said.                                  Group Ration - A) session, which is run by Natick with
             “That’s why we run these meetings, to bring us together   participation from DLA Troop Support, as well,” he said.
          in a partnership and try and facilitate a good conversation,   The UGR - A sessions, which are presented by Sue Har-
          communication back and forth using a military forum as   rington, senior food technologist, U.S. Army Natick RD&E,
          the catalyst,” he said.                             help attendees to understand the ration and how to get
             A second keynote speaker, more focused on the topic   into the program. The UGR-A is used to sustain military
          of R&DA’s military assistance program, is recent Medal-of-  personnel during worldwide operations that allow organized
          Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran   food service facilities. The UGR-A includes perishable/fro-
          who fought in Afghanistan and, according to his website   zen type entrées (A-Rations) along with commercial-type
          (, is the first living Marine to re-  components. Currently there are seven breakfast and 14
          ceive the distinction since 1973, and one of the youngest.   lunch/dinner menus available.
          Meyer earned his medal for his actions during the Battle of   Attendance for R&DA’s 2017 fall meeting was over 300.
          Ganjigal, which was part of Operation Enduring Freedom   Looking ahead, the fall 2018 R&DA meeting is Oct. 23 to
          in Afghanistan, and is the author of The New York Times   25 at the Hilton Boston/Woburn Hotel in Woburn, Mass.,
          bestseller “Into the Fire: A Firsthand Account of he Most   which is not too far from the Natick RD&E campus.
          Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War.”                                                         —GFS
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