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             Jeff Olenick, the chief of the International Movement   ready-to-eat meals; repositioning stock from one site to
          Support Division with the Army’s Military Surface De-  another; and using air transportation to expedite a delivery.
          ployment and Distribution Command, said that provid-   “You can’t develop any workable solutions to problems
          ing food, also known as Class 1 materiel, to the troops   without a common understanding of the challenges we
          requires effective coordination and communication among   face together,” Olenick said. “This was the first step towards
          stakeholders.                                       a greater partnership between all of the stakeholders. It
             “And that process can often become even more difficult   was absolutely worthwhile.”
          to execute when you consider some of the austere environ-  Going forward, Henwood said he expects the stake-
          ments where we deliver,” Olenick said. “With the number   holders to meet every six months to continue to optimize
          of stakeholders involved, and with individual segments   the supply chain, ensuring the troops get what they need
          that often overlap and have second- and third-order effects   when they need it.
          further down the supply chain, an effective partnership   Young said the efforts to increase efficiency in overseas
          based on mutual understanding is a must.”           deliveries of operational rations is noticed and appreciated
             Among those second- and third-order effects are: forcing   by DLA’s primary customer – the warfighter.
          troops to adjust to a less desirable feeding cycle; shifting   “The microscope is on us, and that’s a good thing be-
          from unitized group rations to individually pre-packaged   cause we’re the right organization to lead this,” he said.

                             Watch Captains Ready to Oversee Galleys

                 he latest class of junior                                              The success of the train-
              Tculinary specialists to                                               ing at SUBASE speaks to
             earn the qualification to                                               even greater possibilities,
             serve as watch captain grad-                                            according to Bill Dorris,
             uated during a special cer-                                             galley program manager of
             emony at Naval Submarine                                                Navy Region Mid-Atlantic,
             Base New London, Conn.,                                                 and the keynote speaker at
             (SUBASE) Cross Hall Galley.                                             the graduation ceremony.
               The SUBASE Galley is the                                                 “Sailors stationed at and
             only site in the Navy outside   Sailors enjoy a meal at Naval Submarine Base New London’s (SUBASE)   around SUBASE can train to
             of Norfolk and San Diego   Cross Hall Galley. The galley not only cooks and serves meals for those   earn their Watch Captain
                                      stationed at SUBASE, but also trains new galley watch captains for their
             to host the watch captain  role on a submarine, which is the same as a shift manager in a restaurant.   Navy Enlisted Classification
             classes. Watch captain is a     (Photo by MC3(SW) Tristan B. Lotz, USN, SUBASE.)  right here in Groton, rather
             position equivalent to shift                                           than having to travel to the
             manager in a ship’s galley or base mess hall.    schoolhouse in Virginia,” said Dorris. “By sending a
               A watch captain is overall in charge of the cooks   single instructor up here instead of a group of sailors
             and attendants, as well as responsible for ensuring buf-  to Norfolk, we create huge travel dollars savings while
             fets are stocked, there are enough plates and utensils,   increasing the number of qualified culinarians ready to
             and that the space is sufficiently clean, according to   go back to sea and perform at a quality level.”
             SUBASE’s Master Chief Culinary Specialist (Submarines)   Dorris noted that a key to SUBASE’s success in hosting
             Chris Nailon.                                    the training course was Cross Hall Galley’s Virginia-
               “A watch captain quite literally has a lot on their   Class Submarine Training Galley and Classroom. The
             plate and must be skilled to handle a wide range of   full-size replica of a Virginia-class submarine’s galley
             responsibilities,” said Nailon.                  and adjoining classroom was a $740,000 gift to the
               Submarine, surface, and shore based culinary spe-  Navy and SUBASE in April 2012 as part of the state of
             cialists attended the training course and traveled to   Connecticut’s continuing investment in infrastructure
             SUBASE from commands and activities across the New   improvements at the base.
             England region.                                     The watch captain class was the latest in training
               During the four-week course the culinary specialists   opportunities taking advantage of the galley and class-
             were given hands-on training in everything from the   room by combining the site with mobile training teams.
             proper use of the Armed Forces Recipe Service to bakeshop,   “The bottom line is we can increase the numbers of
             scullery, and storeroom management and operations.  culinary specialists who have an opportunity for formal
               The course concluded with graduation on Nov. 29,   training ashore by maximizing this mobile training team
             2017, and a special lunchtime meal prepared by the   concept which, in turn, leads to better qualified and
             graduates and served on the main line in Cross Hall   capable culinary specialists afloat,” emphasized Dorris.
             Galley.                                             Nailon was pleased with the effort as well.

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