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                                           A Bigger


                                        R&DA Draws Back the Curtain

                                             on Research and Trends

               reminder of the                                                               more from industry
               research done                                                                 about trends. “So, this
          A by the military                                                                  seemed like a good
          to ensure that war-                                                                fit,” he said.
          fighters have reliable
          access to high-quality                                                             NATICK AND DLA
          meals when deployed                                                                  In addition, the
          in the field or back on                                  The Annual Exhibition features about   U.S. Army Natick Sol-
          base and aboard ship                                     40 vendors. (Photos by Ron Hoffman.)  dier Research, Devel-
          is the aim of this                                                                 opment & Engineering
          spring’s annual Research and Development Associates   Center in Natick, Mass., is sending nine representatives,
          (R&DA) for Military Food and Packaging Systems meeting.  which McNulty counts as the largest group it has sent to
             The 72nd R&DA Annual Spring Meeting, “Partnering   attend a recent R&DA meeting, and he anticipates a strong
          with DoD to Enhance Support to the Military Services,”   turnout from Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support as
          is April 17-19, 2018, at the Hotel Hershey in Hershey, Pa.   well. Other key military government food service leaders
          “We’re looking forward to a good government attendance   from each of the military services are also expected to
          and industry attendance, and we’re going to pack a lot   present.
          in in a short period of time at the meeting,” said John   The principal speaker for Natick is Robert Trottier,
          McNulty, R&DA’s executive director.                 branch chief, engineering and manufacturing develop-
             This spring’s educational programming features a wider   ment. “They’re going to be talking rations in the rations
          focus by going beyond standard government and military   workgroup, and then they have a special food service and
          speakers. “Our keynote speaker is William Papa, and he is   packaging workgroup where the focus will be on mostly
          the executive vice president for research and development   food service equipment,” McNulty said of the Natick pro-
          for the Hershey Corporation,” McNulty said. “Mr. Papa’s   gramming.
          quite a distinguished guy, he’s been in that position for a   Natick also plans a workgroup on food service equip-
          while as the top R&D guy for Hershey.”              ment for garrison and field fielding that will be chaired
             Hershey is one of R&DA’s oldest industrial members,   by Bob Bernazzani, team leader, joint foodsevice and en-
          dating back to 1946, when President Harry Truman helped   gineering team (JEET), and he will feature at least two
          found it after World War II. “We thought since we’re there   industry speakers.
          at Hershey, let’s tap into the top R&D guy, and that is the   “That’s something that we haven’t touched on too, too
          name of our association,” he said. “I’m trying, little by   much at recent meetings, so that was something that we
          little, to bring us back into that realm, that side; Natick   wanted to catch up with,” McNulty said.
          certainly appreciates that.”                           One reason McNulty is choosing equipment as a topic is
             McNulty also is responding to feedback from R&DA’s   to raise the profile of combat service support. Food service
          industry and government members asking to hear a little   equipment often falls lower as a budget planning priority
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