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                    DLA Gets Traditional Holiday Trimmings to Service Members

               eployed service members had   Cauvin, Subsistence
           Dall the traditional holiday trim-  tailored vendor logistics
          mings available to celebrate Passover,   specialist. “Most of the
          Palm Sunday and Easter as if they were   holiday planning began
          back home observing these reverential   in the fall of 2016 to
          holidays.                          ensure all of the items
             The Subsistence supply chain pro-  arrived in the region
          vided more than 930 cases of Passover   well in advance of the
          Meals, Ready to Eat to troops in the   holidays.”
          U.S., Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, Ger-  In addition, Chris-
          many, Japan and aboard Navy ships.  tian service members   Service members observe the 2016 Passover holiday at Bagram Air-
             The Passover MRE comes in a sin-  observing Palm Sunday   field, Afghanistan. DLA Troop Support provided 223 Seder kits, which
                                                                    contain matzah, a shank bone and other religious items, for Jewish
          gle, flexible pouch, similar to an MRE,   April 9 received pieces   service members who celebrate the eight-day festival of Passover.
          said Joe Zanolle, Subsistence customer   of palm through the
          account specialist. Those observing   Clothing and Textiles supply chain.   plate, grape juice box, packaged des-
          Passover receive two cases of MREs,   C&T delivered more than 2,000 fan   sert and kosher bubble gum.
          which equal three meals a day for the   leaves of palms and 24,900 double   “This particular purchase (of Seder
          eight-day observance.              strips of palm.                   kits) has been very meaningful to me,”
             For Easter, Subsistence provided   C&T also delivered 276 bottles of   said Air Force Senior Airman Fernando
          more than 18,400 pounds of ham,    sacramental wine to be used during   Cortez, contracting officer with the
          7,500 pounds of salmon, 16,000     Easter services on April 16.      379th Expeditionary Contracting
          pounds of shrimp and various desserts   “I am religious myself and see the   Squadron at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.
          for dining facilities in Afghanistan,   importance of ordering these particular   “My faith plays a huge role in my life
          Iraq, Kuwait and Jordan.           items for our customers,” said Chris-  and being able to help facilitate our
             “DLA wants to ensure that our   topher Gaudio, a customer account   fellow brothers and sisters in arms in
          troops are able to observe their reli-  specialist with C&T’s ecclesiastical   the practicing of their faith has been
          gious holidays with a traditional holi-  support team. “They are fighting for   incredibly fulfilling.
          day meal as they would at home,” said   us, and we should be able to support   “Being deployed, you miss a lot of
          Zanolle.                           their religious needs.”           things back home, especially around
             Due to the nature of the holiday   The ecclesiastical team also deliv-  the holidays,” Cortez said. “So being
          items, it takes several months of prepa-  ered 223 Seder kits for Jewish military   able to make this happen, bringing a
          ration and planning to ensure custom-  members celebrating the eight-day   little piece of home is huge and greatly
          ers have the items in time.        festival of Passover, which began the   appreciated.”
             “Pre-planning all of these efforts   evening of April 10. The kits contain   The palms and Seder kits were sent
          requires a great deal of coordina-  matzah, a shank bone, bitter herbs, and   to customers serving in Afghanistan,
          tion among various people,” said Joe   ceremonial items, such as an ornate   Kuwait, Europe and the United States.

           CNIC Welcomes Its Sixth Commander Since 2003

               ommander, Navy Installations   Navy Ceremonial Guard color guard, a
           CCommand welcomed its sixth       performance of the national anthem by
          commander since being founded in   the U.S. Navy Band and remarks from
          2003, as Vice Adm. Mary M. Jackson   guest speaker Chief of Naval Opera-
          relieved Vice Adm. Dixon R. Smith   tions Adm. John Richardson.
          in a change of command ceremony      Richardson commended Smith for
          aboard the Washington Navy Yard.   his dedicated service while serving
             “I am humbled to represent the   as commander of Navy Installations
          dedicated professionals of Navy In-  Command.                              Jackson         Smith
          stallations Command,” Jackson said.   “I take tremendous pride in the ex-  above reproach.”
          “What we do affects the lives of so   ceptional job Smith has done as CNIC,”   Smith became CNIC commander
          many military personnel, civilian   said Richardson. “I asked him to stay   on Oct. 24, 2014, served as the head of
          employees, retirees and their families   in the Navy and serve on my staff as   the Navy’s entire shore infrastructure
          around the world. It will be a privilege   deputy chief of naval operations for   for approximately two and a half years.
          and an honor to continue to serve.”  fleet readiness and logistics, because   CNIC, also known as the Navy’s Shore
             The March 31 ceremony included   his personal initiative goes beyond   Enterprise, includes 11 regions, 71 in-
          the presentation of colors by the U.S.   the call of duty and his leadership is   stallations and 912 special areas, which
          4    GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • MAY 2017
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