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                                                              of land. The Shore Enterprise is staffed by approximately
                                                              53,000 military and civilian personnel around the world.
                                                                 “While here, I’ve witnessed firsthand the tremendous
                                                              dedication of our civilians and sailors who support the
                                                              fleet, warfighters and their families,” said Smith. “It has
                                                              been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve the
                                                              Navy as commander, Navy Installations Command.”
                                                                 Navy Installations Command is responsible for the Navy’s
              Vice Adm. Dixon Smith, center, commander of Navy Installations
              Command (CNIC), delivers remarks during the CNIC change of com-  operations, maintenance and quality-of-life programs that
              mand ceremony on board the Washington Navy Yard. With Smith   support the Navy’s fleet, sailors and their families.
              are, from left, Rear Adm. Charles Rock, commandant of Naval District   “It’s important to understand our CNIC mission,” said
              Washington; Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson; Vice
              Adm. Mary Jackson; and CNIC chaplain Capt. Gary Clore. (Photo by   Smith. “We deliver shore-based products and services to
              Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Taylor N. Stinson, USN)  sustain the fleet, enable the fighter and support the family.
                                                              This effort directly contributes to Admiral Richardson’s
          include transmitter sites, missile ranges, schools, naval   vision for maintaining maritime superiority.”
          magazines, and fuel storage sites on nearly 1 million acres

                    Fort Meade Servicewomen Lunch with Vice President’s Wife

               ervicewomen shared                                                      Pence that military poli-
            Stheir experiences in                                                      cies have changed to help
            the military, discussing                                                   servicewomen who are rais-
            the challenges and re-                                                     ing families create a “work/
            wards with Karen Pence,                                                    life balance.”
            the wife of Vice President                                                   “There’s been a lot of
            Mike Pence, during an in-                                                  positive change,” Adams
            formal 45-minute lunch at                                                  said, particularly in grant-
            Fort Meade’s Freedom Inn                                                   ing women more liberal
            Dining Facility.                                                           pregnancy leave.
               Pence visited Fort                                                        After lunch, Pence and
            Meade, Md., for the first                                                  the service members posed
            time in March to celebrate                                                 for a group photograph that
            Women’s History Month,                                                     was  tweeted on Pence’s
            and the lunch was part of   Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, speaks with a group of service-  official Twitter account.
            the ceremonies honoring the  women about their experiences in the military during lunch at the Freedom   She also posed with service
            occasion.                Inn Dining Facility in March as part of a celebration of Women’s History   members for cellphone pho-
               Before meeting the ser-                Month at Fort Meade.            tographs and selfies.
            vicewomen, Pence toured the                                                 “I just felt it was very nice
            installation and had a briefing with   are in the military.”       [of] her to take the time to visit us,”
            Garrison Commander Col. Tom Rick-   Pence and the servicewomen,    said Spc. Marisa Tortolano of the
            ard, Garrison Command Sgt. Maj.   who represented a variety of ranks   780th Military Intelligence Brigade.
            Brian Cullen and Mary Staab, chief   in all five service branches, discussed   “I thought it was really good and
            of the Directorate of Plans, Training,   several topics ranging from the ben-  productive [of] her to ask what we
            Mobilization and Security.        efits of physical fitness training and   thought about things and take it
               “For me, this wasn’t even so much   the educational opportunities of-  back to the White House.”
            a policy priority,” Pence said after the   fered in the military, to the efforts   Tortolano said Pence’s visit was
            lunch. “Mrs. [Melania] Trump asked   of senior-ranking women to mentor   not “all about publicity.” Instead, it
            me to do something with women for   women in the junior ranks.     was “having that one-on-one discus-
            this month of March. I just imme-   The servicewomen either volun-  sion that was much more personal.”
            diately said I want to do something   teered to attend the lunch or were   Before preparing to leave, Pence
            for women in the military.        selected by their commands.      reflected on her visit.
               “Our son is in the military and   During a discussion at lunch     “This was very enjoyable,” she
            just got married, so I want to do   about the challenges women face   said. “ … It was humbling and inspir-
            something for female spouses, but   in the military, Navy Cmdr. Audrey   ing today to meet these women.”
            I also wanted to spend a day or two   Adams of Headquarters U.S.10th                         —GFS
            reaching out to women who actually   Fleet/Fleet Cyber Command told

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