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              Connelly: A Steady Influence

                         on Army Food Service

                      Competition and Training Improves Quality, Raises Esteem

                                                                 Sgt. Justin Burns, a U.S. Army Reserve culinary specialist with the 391st
                                                                 Military Police Battalion, serves lunch to soldiers during the Philip A. Connelly
                                                                 Competition at Camp Atterbury, Ind. (Photo by Sgt. Audrey Hayes, USA)

             he 49th annual Department of the Army Philip A. Con-  categories: Active Army Garrison, Active Army Field, Army
          Tnelly Awards Program promotes food service through   National Guard Field and Army Reserve.
          incentives and competition that recognizes deserving units   The 2017 Connelly program awards are being recog-
          for superb performance, as well as awards individuals for   nized Friday evening, May 19, during the annual National
          stellar management practices.                       Restaurant Association Educational Foundation Military
             Much of the credit for the professionalism, improved   Food Service Awards Dinner.
          quality and high level of service associated with the con-  Military culinary teams from each service branch also
          temporary Army Food Program goes to the Connelly com-  being recognized during the dinner include the Air Force
          petition.                                           (John L. Hennessy Award), Air National Guard (Senior
             Competition motivates food service teams to perform to   Master Sgt. Kenneth W. Disney Award), Marine Corps (Maj.
          higher standards, which raises professionalism and results   Gen. William Pendleton Thompson Hill Memorial Awards),
          in a higher quality of meals prepared and made available to   Navy (Capt. Edward F. Ney Awards) and Military Sealift
          supported diners across garrison and field environments.  Command (Capt. David M. Cook Awards).
             Exposure to the expertise of the program’s military   Each of the winning food service teams also participates
          and civilian evaluators becomes a personal challenge that   in a three-day training program that further enhances
          inspires professional development and sparks personal   their culinary skills, as well as tests their ability to work
          responsibility in the culinary participants.        together in groups. The teams spend two days at Kend-
             The program also helps instill Army culinary specialists   all College in Chicago, learning about concept develop-
          with a sense of prestige and dignity.               ment, and present a business plan to a panel of industry
             Specialized training scholarships at the Culinary In-  professionals for critique. In between, the attendees visit
          stitute of America at Greystone in St. Helena, Calif., that   selected exhibitors on the NRA Show floor and attend a
          Connelly winners earn through the National Restaurant   few educational sessions.
          Association Education Foundation add motivation and
          expertise in Army dining facilities.                SELECTION
                                                                 Connelly winners are selected through a multi-level
          AWARDS AND TRAINING                                 competition starting at the lowest military echelon. Army
             Finalists for the 2017 Department of Army Philip A.   Sustainment Command (ASC), Army Service Component
          Connelly Awards Program were still being evaluated at   Command (ASCC), Army Commands (ACOMs) and Army
          press time. Connelly awards are won in four dining facility   National Guard (ARNG) each submit finalist nominees to
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