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                           Connelly Tests Skills

                            Under All Conditions

                         Fort Carson Culinary Teams Compete in Two Categories

             chieving consistent performance and satisfying
             soldiers is a challenge for Army culinary teams,
          Aespecially in a field feeding environment where
          the conditions are more rugged compared with a
          dining facility.
             Fort Carson had two culinary teams put their
          skills to the test in a regional Connelly competition
          last August. Both teams are finalists for the Con-
          nelly, one in field feeding and the other in garrison.

             While most units focus on food quality during
          the Connelly competition, the soldiers of the 1st
          Support Battalion Combat Team added realism in
          training across the brigade by digging fighting posi-
          tions, conducting both an attack and defense, and     Sgt. Paul Mascardo, culinary specialist, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st
                                                                Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, scoops out sweet
          conducting emergency resupply, air assault and convoy   potato fries from the deep fryer while Pfcs. Chelsea Potterville and Gabriel
          operations.                                           Gonzales hand roll enchiladas during the Philip A. Connelly Competition on
             Cooks supporting the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat    Fort Carson Aug. 29, 2016. (Photo by Maj. Kevin Boyd, 1st Stryker Brigade
          Team, 4th Infantry Division, during a training exercise    Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division)
          were winding down from a breakfast meal and gearing up
          for a lunch rush on a day when evaluators for the Army   engineers and aviation supporting their operation in the
          Philip A. Connelly Award performed a preliminary round   preliminary Connelly competition, which recognizes ex-
          evaluation last August.                             cellence in Army food service.
             The cooks integrated with forces from across the bri-  Adding a competitive element to already taxing respon-
          gade to develop a full-scale field feeding site with infantry,   sibilities motivated the culinary specialists of the “Raider”
                                                              Brigade to demonstrate their skills and capabilities during
                                                              the Connelly judging.
                                                                 The Connelly competition is the “absolute highest rec-
                                                              ognition in the culinary arts field in the Army,” said Chief
                                                              Warrant Officer 5 Kenneth Hicks, command food adviser,
                                                              U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Headquarters.
                                                              “This is ‘Iron Chef’ in the field, and the integration with
                                                              all the other skills within the brigade is impressive.”
                                                                 Culinary specialists throughout the brigade joined into
                                                              a team that defeated 32 other units to move on from earlier
                                                              rounds and represent III Corps at the FORSCOM level. The
                                                              1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team competed with a unit
                                                              each from the I Corps and XVIII Airborne Corps.
                                                                 “Winning at the FORSCOM level is like winning the
                                                              Super Bowl, and there is only one final event after this for
                                                              the entire Army, and that’s like winning the Super Bowl
                                                              back-to-back,” said Sgt. 1st Class Corey Wood, platoon
            Pfc. Gabriel Gonzalez, culinary specialist, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team,   sergeant, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st SBCT.
            4th Infantry Division, ladles homemade sauce over freshly-made enchiladas
            while Pfc. Chelsea Potterville, culinary specialist, 1st SBCT, prepares utensils   In this training exercise, the cooks prepared lunch while
            for serving Aug. 29, 2016. (Photo by Maj. Kevin Boyd, 1st Stryker Brigade   the infantry soldiers successfully defended against an at-
                 Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division)  tack on the perimeter; then both came together to secure
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