Page 48 - gfs0517_Magazine
P. 48


                                                                National Restaurant Association Representative Sam Stanovich evaluates the
                                                                U.S. Army Reserve’s 1002nd Quartermaster Company based in Beaumont,
                                                                Texas, during the unit’s Philip A. Connelly Awards Program evaluation at
                                                                Fort Polk, La., in March. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Maj. Brandon R.
                                                                       Mace, 4th Expeditionary Sustainment Command)

                                                              Carreon handled the preparation of sweet potato wedges
                                                              and the salad, while Sims poured his efforts into prepar-
                                                              ing beef barley soup.

                                                              RESILIENCY TRAINING
                                                                 Adding to the test of skills, the Connelly evaluators scru-
                                                              tinized the cooks as they prepared the meal in a cramped
                                                              mobile kitchen trailer (MKT) while the rest of the com-
                                                              pany was engaged in defending a petroleum pipeline from
                                                              attacks by the exercise opposing forces as part of a field
                                                              training exercise.

                                                              TEAM EFFORT
                                                                 One by one, the soldiers of the 1002nd enter the mobile
                                                              kitchen trailer and exit the other end with a plate of hot
                                                              food complete with soup, salad, dessert and fresh fruit.
                                                                 “I could not be more proud of our cooks and the job
                                                              they’ve done,” said 1st Lt. Steven Drayton, 1002nd com-
                                                              mander, addressing his Soldiers. “Regardless of the outcome,
                                                              you are all winners to me and we are proud to have you
                                                              all in the 1002nd.”                          —GFS

                                                                Soldiers with the U.S. Army Reserve’s 1002nd Quartermaster Company from
                                                                Beaumont, Texas, are being served a hot meal by their food service team
                                                                during their Field Training Exercise in March. (Photo by Master Sgt. Dave
                                                                    Thompson, USAR, 4th Expeditionary Sustainment Command)
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