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                     Cooking Up Morale

                Military Sealift Command’s Cook Awards Weigh Culinary and Customer Service

             ining areas aboard Military Sealift Command (MSC)
             ships are considered a foundation for building posi-           EVALUATORS
          Dtive crew morale, and that gives the culinary program
          an important role by creating a good dining experience.              Initial Assessments
             As a reminder, MSC annually challenges its food service   (Completed on 12 ships to select final candidates)
          teams with the Capt. David M. Cook, SC, USN, awards.
          Each year since 1992, the competition focuses the culinary     Alex Almazan, East Coast (five ships)
          professionals working in MSC ship galleys on improving        Roy Guillermo, West Coast (seven ships)
          everyday performance and achieving the best meal quality.
             The Cook awards recognize excellence in food service              Final Assessments
          and challenge the culinary professionals working aboard            (Names category winners)
          MSC vessels to be prepared for the challenges of constantly
                                                                                   Roberta Jio
          changing requirements for meal preparation from menu            Chef Nydia Ekstrom (NRA Traveler)
          planning to meeting nutritional guidelines and preferences
          for healthy eating.
             “The overall feel a customer receives when they go
          through the serving line, day in and day out, year-round,
          is a huge aspect of the evaluation,” said Senior Executive
          Chef Roberta Jio, MSC’s food service director. “The food
          prepared in a galley can be outstanding, but if customer
          service is poor, that ship will most likely not be a finalist

                   2017 Military Sealift Command
                  Capt. David M. Cook Food Service
                      Excellence Award Winners:
                                                                     Cook award program evaluators score food service
                             LARGE SHIP                             teams on preparation in a galley, as well as customer
                                                                     service, because both are important to satisfaction.
                   USS EMORY S. LAND (AS-39)

                                                              because the customers on board participate in a food-service
                          SHIP’S LEADERSHIP                   survey in which they grade their food service staffs on food
                         Captain: Douglas Bradley             preparation as well as customer service. Providing out-
                        Supply Officer: Raphael Cui           standing customer service is just as important as providing
                       Chief Steward: Junior Vermont
                                                                         outstanding food. The two go hand in hand.”
                                                                            Seagoing food service positions aboard MSC
                                                                         vessels are filled by skilled culinary profes-
                                                                         sionals, either former service members with
                                                                         experience gained during active duty or chefs
                                                                         who have American Culinary Federation cer-
                                                                            Of the former service members who are
                                                                         continuing their culinary career with the MSC,
                                                                         many are Navy retirees.
                                                                            Competition for the annual Cook award
                                                                         nonetheless puts their skills to the test. In try-
                                                                         ing to win, each team wants to be better than
                                                                         the others, but also is motivated to improve
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