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          the food being served on board ship.                                  MEDIUM SHIP
             “Good food equals good morale,” said Gregory Garza,
          chief steward, USS Mount Whitney, last year’s Large Ship   USNS RICHARD E. BYRD (T-AKE 4)
          category Cook Award winner. “This is a hybrid ship and the
          success of the ship’s mission depends on team effort from            SHIP’S LEADERSHIP
          all hands. The culinary team provides a nice break during            Captain: Lee Apsley
                                                                           Supply Officer: Kelvin Thomas
          meal times when good food is served during high-tempo            Chief Steward: Danilo Puniesto
             All of last year’s Cook winners share
          Garza’s enthusiasm for and commitment to
          achieving a high level of customer service
          for the sailors aboard ship.
             “After a long day at work, our crew de-
          serves the best meal and service they can
          have, and this is where our food service
          excels,” said Julian Estacio, chief steward,
          USNS Pecos, which won its first Cook award
          last year when it finished first in the Small
          Ship category. “We solicit our crew on what
          they want to see on our serving line and,
          if it is within our “range” (availability and       ing in the Cook awards program compete in a three-step
          budget), we try our best to accommodate them.”      program to win the award that begins once the ship is
             USNS Richard E. Byrd’s culinary team earned the Me-  nominated for evaluation by its captain. When all nomi-
          dium Ship category title last year, its third consecutive   nations are received, a first-round assessment is scheduled
          Cook award. Consecutive victories, however, only motivate   for each ship and a Training Support Analyst conducts an
          the team to raise performance for next year’s evaluations.  initial evaluation.
             “It is a great honor for the culinary team of USNS Richard   Next is a review of the eligible ship’s financial performance
          E. Byrd to be awarded the Captain David M. Cook Food-  during the cycle year through monthly financial returns
          service Excellence Award for the third consecutive year,”   submitted to MSC TYCOM [Type Commands]. Second in
          said Chief Steward Danilo Puniesto, of the ship’s culinary   the evaluation cycle is the first round of evaluation of the
          team. “It took hard work and perseverance to earn the   ship’s food service operations.
          award. Our culinary team just did a great job every day by   “When the evaluators conduct the initial round, we
          cleaning the spaces daily, outstanding service to crew and,   strive to nominate one candidate from the East Coast and
          based on MSC’s Healthy Heart Menus, served outstanding   one candidate from the West Coast in each category,” said
          quality food to crew daily.”                        Jerry Holly, MSC’s Food-service Operations. “The East and
             Support received from the sailors on board the Byrd   West Coast nominations compete head to head for the
          make the effort even more satisfying. “The entire crew is   final award.”
          appreciative of their culinary team’s remarkable everyday   The final step is inspection on board ship by an evalua-
          thought and care,” said Capt. Lee Apsley, the Richard E.   tion team comprising an MSC government representative
          Byrd’s captain. “The culinary team continues to seek original   and an NRA representative.
          and innovative ways to keep the menu fresh and exciting.”  Evaluation team members review results for each ship
                                                              and make a determination that is forwarded to MSC lead-
          EVALUATIONS                                         ership, which formally announces the Cook winners in
             Nomination for the Cook award is open to all ships   each category.
          operated by the Military Sealift Command. Ships participat-  The judging for the award is based on a ship’s culinary

                       SMALL SHIP

                 USS WALTER S. DIEHL
                       (T-AO 193)

                     SHIP’S LEADERSHIP
                   Captain: William Hartman
                 Supply Officer: Ronald McCann
                 Chief Steward: Ricardo Bautista

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