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                                                                          BEST RESERVE FIELD MESS
          come out here think too much about it, but they forget to
          enjoy the competition.”
             Brown added that these competitions help to sharpen               ***WINNER***
          the skills of an important job in the Marine Corps.   4th Combat Engineer Battalion, 4th Marine
             “If you think about it, there are only two things a Ma-  Division, MARFORRES, Baltimore, Md.
          rine needs: a bullet and a sandwich,” said Brown. “We
          provide the sandwich. If you think about it, no warrior is   Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Henry A. Henegar
          worth anything without being fed; that is our job. Our job                *    *    *
          is to keep the Marine’s morale up with great food in the   Food Service Officer: 1st Lt. Timothy Cowan
                                                                                    *    *    *
          morning and all throughout the day; keeping the warrior   Field Mess SNCOIC: Gunnery Sgt. Richard Zurowski
          fueled, this has to be one of the most important MOS fields
          the Corps has.”
             Roberts and Hilton will go on to compete
          in the MCI-West Chef of the Year Competi-
          tion in 2017.

             A pair of first-timers were Chef of the
          Quarter winners for April on Marine Corps
          Base Camp Lejeune: Cpl. Reggina Dixon
          and Lance Cpl. Samantha Mangiasosa of
          Marine Corps Air Station New River in
          North Carolina.
             “It felt really nice (to win first place.) I
          was shocked because the competitors had
          done the competition before and had more
          experience,” said Dixon, food service spe-
          cialist at the air station. “I was a little shaky, but I felt good   ate what you did. I would love to see more of this.’ When
          knowing that I had a good cook with me.”            they saw that, and people laughing and smiling at the
             Besides testing their skills, the competition also teaches   food, I think that really motivated them.”
          members how to work together as a team. Dixon and Man-  The Marines served Insalata Di Uova (egg salad) as an
          giasosa had mostly cooked Southern and South American   appetizer. The main dish was Salsiccia and Zucchine In-
          food, respectively, but managed to mesh with team members   fornare and Hash Di Patate (baked sausage and zucchini
          to prepare a meal with an Italian theme.            and potato hash.) For dessert, they served Rotolo Dolce,
             “It was pretty funny (watching them prepare for the   which is a sweet roll (cannoli). They paired the meal with
          tournament). Mangiasosa is from South America and Dixon   a virgin pomegranate Sangria.
          is from South Carolina. Their style of what they eat for   “We had two weeks to prepare. On the day of the com-
          dinner is different. One eats Southern food. The other   petition, that’s when we show our talents. For four hours
          eats Hispanic food,” said Staff Sgt. Laron Murray, assistant   pretty much we’re cooking this whole meal that we’ve
          Marine liaison. “At first they were trying to come up with a   practiced,” said Mangiasosa, food service specialist at the
          theme and they couldn’t find one right away. They came up   station.
          with a Valentine’s theme and tried mixing Southern food   The competition is broken down into two sections — a
          and Hispanic food. When they finally found their theme   written exam and the preparation of the meal. Marines
          it took them out of their element. It was Italian food and   and Sodexo employees are eligible to participate in the
          neither one of them is Italian, so they researched.”  competition.
             Participating in the competition also helped inspire   “We made an exam, which was a knowledge test on
          other Marines to learn about their job, as well as boost   basic things that everybody should know as (food service
          unit morale.                                        specialists). We got second place against another team (from
             “When I first got here the Marines didn’t want to do   Camp Lejeune in the written test),” said Mangiasosa. “We
          (the competition). They weren’t really motivated until my-  ended up winning first place by getting picked as the best
          self, Gunnery Sgt. Nathan Nagler and Gunnery Sgt. Lenard   dish by all four teams.”
          Tilley stepped on deck. I wanted (Dixon and Mangiasosa)   The next competition is for Chef of the Year. The team
          to do it so when the Marines go out there, they want to   hopes to compete again later this year.
          do it as well,” said Murray. “When they saw (Dixon and   “We wouldn’t have been able to get as far without our
          Mangiasosa) win, now everyone wants to do it. They love   command. They were behind us every step of the way,”
          the (response.) The generals, sergeants major and colonels   said Dixon. “They pushed us to work hard during and
          came out, shook their hand and said, ‘Hey I really appreci-  outside of work.”                   —GFS
          38   GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • MAY 2017
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