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                 Scaling a Steeper Hill

                 W.P.T. Hill Award Competition Demands Higher Performance than Ever

             he Marine Corps established the Maj. Gen. William
             Pendleton Thompson Hill Memorial Award in 1985 with     W.P.T. HILL AWARDS
          Tthe intension of motivating food service excellence and         EVALUATORS
          achieving a higher quality of life.
             Each successive year, Marine Corps food service teams
          competing for the award strive for a higher standard and              ACTIVE DUTY:
          steadily raise the level of performance.                             Lt. Col. Gary Spinelli
             Now, the constant commitment Marine Corps culinary      Director, Marine Corps Food Service, G-4 MCICOM
          teams have made over more than three decades results in         Master Gunnery Sgt. Derrek Steele
          better-trained food service teams, and a more challenging   Marine Corps Food Service School, Ft. Lee, Va.
             “This year’s award evaluation was extremely competi-                Jack Kleckner
          tive, which makes the honors even more impressive for            National Restaurant Association

              Marine Corps 2017 Winners of the Major                     Chief Warrant Officer 4 Derrick Scott
              Gen. W.P.T. Hill Memorial Awards for Food                    MARFORRES Food Service Officer
                          Service Excellence:
                                                                           Gunnery Sgt. Joshua Ameible
                                                                            MARFORRES Food Technician
                    BEST MILITARY/CONTRACTOR
                        GARRISON MESS HALL                                 National Restaurant Association
                                                                                Chef Brad Peters
                  Mess Hall 4417, Camp Courtney,              our winners,” said Lt. Col. Gary Spinelli, director of the
                    MCIPAC-MCB Camp Butler,                   Food Service Subsistence Program at Headquarters Marine
                          Okinawa, Japan                      Corps. “Marine Corps Installations Command extends its
                                                              congratulations to Marine Corps Installations Command
              Commanding Officer: Col. George Gregory Malkasian  Pacific, Camp Courtney (Okinawa) and Marine Corps In-
                               *    *    *                    stallations Command East, Camp Lejeune.”
                    Mess Hall Officer: Capt. Tyler A. Mach       This year, mess halls and field messes were selected
                               *    *    *                    as winners in four Hill Award categories: Best Military/
              Mess Hall Manager: Gunnery Sgt. Edgardo E. Del Valle
                                                              Contractor Garrison Mess Hall; Best Full Food Service
                                                                            Mess Hall; Best Active Field Mess; and
                                                                            Best Reserve Field Mess.
                                                                              Teams are evaluated in the course of
                                                                            regular daily mess hall activity by two sets
                                                                            of Hill award judges. One set of evaluators
                                                                            reviews active-duty culinary teams, while
                                                                            another focuses on reserve units. Each set
                                                                            of evaluators comprises three members,
                                                                            including two from Headquarters Marine
                                                                            Corps, plus a military corporate chef from
                                                                            the National Restaurant Association.
                                                                              Each food team is evaluated across vari-
                                                                            ous aspects of daily operations, such as
                                                                            financials, food prep, sanitation and cus-
                                                                            tomer service.
                                                                              Evaluations for the Hill represent the
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