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          AWARDS DINNER                                                              to have the highest standards
             The installation Hennessy                                               of professionalism, attitude and
          awards will be presented Friday     HENNESSY TRAVELERS                     culinary skill.
          evening, May 19, in Chicago,    ASSOCIATION EVALUATORS                       Each  Hennessy  Travelers
          Ill., at the annual Military Food                                          Association nominee receives a
          Service Awards Dinner dur-                                                 continuing education scholar-
          ing the National Restaurant     AIR FORCE                                  ship to receive unique training at
          Association Hotel and Motel     Chief Master Sgt. Dan Kelly                the annual Armed Forces Forum
                                          Bill Spencer, AFSVA
          Show. The dinner is 6 p.m. to   Senior Master Sgt. Tashon Taylor           for Culinary Excellence at the
          9 p.m., at the Hyatt Regency                                               Culinary Institute of America’s
          in Chicago.                     NRA                                        Greystone campus in Califor-
             Along with the Air Force     Peter Christie, veteran restaurateur and retired   nia. The forum is courtesy of
          Hennessy and Air National        president and CEO of the Massachusetts Restaurant   the NRA.
          Guard Disney awards, other       Association
          military food service teams be-  Jay Marshall, executive chef, Sysco, San Francisco  PROFESSIONAL INTERAC-
          ing recognized at the dinner    David Richmond, chef, Sodexo               TION
          are the Navy (Capt. Edward      Harold Ritchie, Ritchie International Group  Now, after 61 years, the Hen-
          F. Ney, SC, USN, Memorial       Mike Sabella, president, Food Safety Certified  nessy program remains targeted
                                          Jim Sellers, restaurateur
          Awards), Army (Philip A. Con-                                              on the goal of promoting food
          nelly Awards), Marine Corps                                                service excellence. It enables hos-
          (Maj. Gen. William Pendle-                                                 pitality industry peers to interact
          ton Thompson Hill Memorial                                                 with and exchange suggestions
          Awards) and Military Sealift Command (Capt. David M.   with the armed forces culinary team members.
          Cook Awards).                                          The interaction brings recognition to Air Force Food
             Award presentation is the highlight of a three-day train-  Service from respected hospitality industry peers of the
          ing and education program that military culinary specialists   training and commitment required to achieve culinary
          from all the service branches participate in as part of the   excellence, as well as the contribution to boosting morale.
          annual NRA Show. It includes education sessions, discus-  Military culinary team members, meanwhile, gain ex-
          sions with industry professionals and a tour of the NRA   pertise while working under the observation of the Hen-
          exhibit floor. (See the NRA Preview on page 8.)     nessy evaluators, industry and military, as well as insight
                                                              and motivation about professional civilian career paths to
          HISTORY                                             follow after completing their terms of service.
             Established in 1956, the Hennessy Awards program    Planning for the Hennessy program dates back to 1953,
          promotes excellence in customer service and food service   when President Eisenhower established the second Hoover
          support within the Air Force. Food service operations are   Commission to study ways to improve the efficiency of
          under the direction of the AFSVA.                   government agencies. John L. Hennessy was a hotel and
             It was named after hotel and restaurant executive who   restaurant executive who served on a special task group
          led a special Hoover Commission Task Group to improve   within the Hoover Commission.
          military food service.                                 One of the government agencies being studied was the
             Recognition given to outstanding dining facility operations   Department of Defense, and Hennessy was part of a task
          and management through the Hennessy award promotes   group focused on making improvements to troop feeding
          excellence in customer service and food quality; inspires   and commissary programs (principally, the troop issue ele-
          high morale and motivation to perform to the highest stan-  ment as opposed to the retail stores).
          dard; mission support and a professional image through
          pride and spirited competition, as recognized by industry   AFGSC BEST MISSILE FEEDING OPERATION
          peers; and improves management concepts and practices
          through industry partner feedback and recommendations.               ***WINNER***
             Food service team winners were selected in four categories   F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo., 90th Missile Wing, AFGSC
          for the 2017 Hennessy awards: Region 1 (East), Region 2
          (West), U.S. Air Forces Europe (USAFE) Food Service Small
          Site and Air Force Global Strike Command Best Missile
          Feeding Operation.
             The Award of Excellence, meanwhile, recognizes indi-
          vidual culinary achievement. While working in Region 1
          and 2, the evaluation teams also keep an eye out for out-
          standing culinary specialists and then nominate them for
          the Award of Excellence.
             An overall winner selected from this group is judged
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