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An outcome of the study was the recommendation that   DISNEY AWARD: BEST IN AIR NATIONAL GUARD
            military food service operations initiate a competition that
            would identify and reward those judged to be the best,               ***WINNER***
            inspire better management and build the food service com-
            mand support.                                             123rd Airlift Wing, 123rd Force Support
               The Air Force became the first to implement this recom-       Squadron, Louisville, Ky.
            mendation, and established a program named in Hennessy’s
            honor that later became known as the Hennessy Trophy
            Awards Program.
               A similar commitment to motivating better food service
            performance is made by Air National Guard units under
            the Disney Award Program. Hennessy evaluators make the
            same rigorous culinary assessment across all aspects of op-
            erations, including kitchen operations, from serving and
            dining to sanitation and management.
               Results of the evaluation are shared among members of   Named for the late Senior Master Sgt. Kenneth Disney,
            the National Guard Bureau, the National Restaurant Associa-  the award remains a way to promote quality meal service in
            tion and Culinary Institute of America to improve military   the Air Guard. Competition for the award is open to units
            food quality and service.                           from all states and U.S. territories, with the winner being
               Members from the Air National Guard’s services personnel   recognized for Best Food Service among the 99 Air Guard
            have deployed worldwide in the past decade in support of   Units nationwide.
            contingency operations. Offering the highest quality food   Additionally, one member from each of the final three
            service is a top priority for commanders, whether guard   units is selected by the evaluation team to attend the week-
            members are at home or abroad.                      long hands-on training forum at the CIA Greystone campus
               The Disney program aims to support this ambition.  in California.                             —GFS
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