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          the dining facility’s success by keeping it in touch with   rant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show, in Chicago,
          airmen and on pace with the improvements needed to   Ill. The task this year drew on a variety of skills to design a
          keep it competitive.                                dining facility from scratch. They also were recognized and
                                                              presented with the Hennessy and Disney trophies during
          INSPECTION                                          the joint military culinary awards dinner on Friday, May
             Hennessy evaluators visited the Hercules team at the Air   19, at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.
          Force level of the award process from Feb. 24 to 26, 2017.   The training program at Kendall College was organized
          These teams of food industry and Air Force Food Service   by the National Restaurant Association Education Foun-
          experts visit each of the finalists, observing all aspects of their   dation (NRAEF). Educational presentations began Friday
          food and beverage program in order to select the winners.  morning, May 19, and ran into the early afternoon, after
             “There is absolute control at all levels, from receiving   which each of four teams began working to design its own
          the food, food safety, progressive cooling, cleanliness and   dining facility from scratch (See page 16).
          more. Private industry could learn a lot from reviewing and   Teams spent the second day visiting 10 exhibitors on
          following those standards,” said Peter Christie, a restaura-  the NRA show floor, before returning to finalize plans and
          teur and retired president and CEO of the Massachusetts   presentations on Sunday, when the proposals would be
          Restaurant Association.                             presented to a panel of judges to select an overall winner.
             Christie was one of six food service industry experts from   In addition to determining Hennessy Award winners, the
          the National Restaurant Association, along with three from   evaluators also select outstanding airmen from military-run

                        AIR FORCE FOOD SERVICE                   BEST IN AIR NATIONAL GUARD (DISNEY AWARD)
                          OPERATIONS WINNER                      Air National Guard, 123rd Force Support Squad-
                                                                    ron, 123rd Services Flight, Louisville, Ky.
              512 Memorial Affairs Squadron, Dover AFB, Del.           Commander: Lt. Col. Kevin Krauss
                Commander: Maj. Christopher J. Radziewicz         Operations Officer: Capt. Jonathon Fairbanks
                                                                      Superintendent: Chief Brenda Stout
                 Manager: Chief Master Sgt. Vernetta Joyner      Services Superintendent: Master Sgt. Jennifer Thiery

                              SMALL SITE                                 MISSILE FEEDING OPERATION

                Volkel AB, Germany, 703rd MUNNS, USAFE          F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo., 90th Missile Wing, AFGSC

          the Air Force, who made up the nine-member Hennessy   operations to attend the Armed Forces Forum for Culinary
          Travelers Association evaluation team for 2017.     Excellence. The Forum is hosted by the NRAEF at the Culi-
             Each evaluation team comprised a representative of the   nary Institute of America at Greystone in St. Helena, Calif.
          NRA and the Air Force. Evaluators consider each Air Force   Participation of the military culinary teams in the NRA
          Food Service team very evenly matched. A difference of a   training program supports the goal of having all service
          few points sometimes is the margin that earns a team the   branches involved in activities in addition to the awards
          victory. Such a slim margin indicates the keen performance   presentation dinner. This year was the third consecutive
          level of the food service teams participating in the Hen-  time that food service teams from the Air Force, Air National
          nessy program.                                      Guard, Army, Marine Corps, Military Sealift Command and
             Winning dining facility team members also participated   Navy received awards together.
          in a three-day training program during the National Restau-                                  —Continued
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