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                    Honored, Surprised, Excited

                   Group Attending Forum for Culinary Excellence is Moved

             list of standout Air Force and Air National Guard culi-  (CIA) Greystone in St. Helena, Calif.
           A nary specialists accompanies the announcement each   The National Restaurant Association Education Foundation
          year of the food service teams winning the annual Air Force   (NRAEF) hosts the annual Forum, which this year is July 29
          John L. Hennessy and Air National Guard Senior Master   to Aug. 5. An overall Top Hennessy Traveler Award winner
          Sgt. Kenneth W. Disney awards.                      is announced at the conclusion of the training program.
             Judges select these individual culinary specialists for ex-  “The NRAEF’s military training program continues to
          emplifying the highest standards, skill, attitude, teamwork,   evolve, and I’m so proud to be a part of the difference the
          knowledge, leadership, professionalism, dress and appearance.   foundation is making in these men and women’s lives,”
             In recognition of their accomplishment, these individuals   said Dick Hynes, representing the Hobart Corporation, a
          become nominees for the Hennessy Travelers’ Association   division of ITW, and chair of the NRAEF Military Advisory
          (HTA) Award of Excellence and Disney Food Service Excel-  Group. “This event not only provides additional training
          lence Award. With this prestigious individual recognition,   to military food service personnel, it challenges them to
          the nominees are invited to participate in the Armed Forces   become even better leaders and shows them what they can
          Forum for Culinary Excellence, a weeklong training and   achieve in the food service industry.”
          education program at the Culinary Institute of America   The Forum is a unique educational opportunity. It brings

                        2017 NOMINEES FOR THE
                       HTA AWARD OF EXCELLENCE

               Each nominee for the HTA Award of Excellence and Air Na-
            tional Guard Disney Food Service Excellence awards was asked
            to provide a photograph and express their thoughts about what
            the recognition means to them. Responses presented below
            were received from each of the candidates.
               Winners will be recognized at the conclusion of training
            at the Forum for Culinary Excellence at the CIA Greystone
            campus in St. Helena, Calif., in the first week of August 2017.

                          The weeklong training and education program at the
                      Culinary Institute of America (CIA) Greystone in St. Helena,
                        Calif., devotes four consecutive days to improving skills.

                 IN REGION 1 (EASTERN HEMISPHERE):

            SENIOR AIRMAN KHADIJAH PATTERSON (NEE             FSS, Ramstein Air Base, Germany. My transition to home station
            PRIEST), LANGLEY AFB, VA.                         from a recent deployment and to a new facility was challenging for
               “Attitude is everything and having a posi-     me. But, to my avail, the support from airmen, leadership and lo-
            tive attitude can open doors to endless oppor-    cal nationals played a big role in overcoming these challenges. As
            tunities. The nomination of such a prestigious    a team, we worked tirelessly day in and day out to learn our part
            award, such as the Hennessy Travelers award,      of the mission and the support we provide to ‘Fly, Fight and Win,’
            is not only a significant accomplishment, but     which is our common objective as airmen in
            a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Being evalu-    our Air Force.”
            ated and nominated not only encouraged me,
            but the acknowledgment itself uplifted my confidence. It feels good   AIRMAN AYANA JAMES, HURLBURT FIELD, FLA.
            to know that my willingness to learn, hard work and skills were not   “Due to the fact that I am a first-term air-
            overlooked. I am truly grateful for being a part of such a distinctive   man, with the rank of airman, and this is my first
            opportunity.”                                     time being a part of the Hennessey evaluation,
                                                              it is an honor to have been selected for such a
            AIRMAN 1ST CLASS ANGELA SALENA BOLANOS,           prestigious award. I, along with my peers, work
            RAMSTEIN AB, GERMANY                              diligently to ensure we only serve high-quality
               “I am honored to have been selected and        food, whether this is reflected in improvisation or in daily strategic
            received the Hennessy Travelers’ Award. However,   skills. As a primary shift leader, I feel as though it has helped me
            I could not have achieved it without the help     grow to become a great leader and positive role model, and this award
            and support of my awesome team at the 786th       allows me to feel vindicated in that sense.”

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