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          together elite culinary specialists from the Air Force, Air Na-  to come,” said Rob Gifford, executive vice president, NRAEF.
          tional Guard, Army, Navy and Marine Corps to develop their   “With the restaurant industry thriving, these culinary edu-
          food service management skills, as well as earn certification   cational sessions will help our servicemen and women build
          that can be applied to a career in the hospitality industry.  rewarding careers during and after their service to the nation.”
             Much of the Forum is devoted to full-day culinary train-  This year, about 46 outstanding military culinary specialists
          ing at the Culinary Institute of America. There are four   are invited to and expected to attend the Forum. Participation
          consecutive days of training from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday,   in the Forum rises each year; last year 41 culinary specialists
          July 31, through Thursday, August 3.                attended, up from 36 in 2015, 32 in 2014 and 25 in 2013.
             Key events are the Leadership Panel and Mentoring   Among the group invited to attend this year’s Forum are
          Roundtables on Friday, August 4. In the Leadership Panel,   10 culinary specialists from the Air Force and three from the
          participants have career-focused question-and-answer ses-  Air National Guard. At the end of the training program, out
          sions with all students. The Mentoring Roundtables are   of these 13 nominees, the Air Force selects the HTA Award
          smaller, group discussions with the students on specific   of Excellence winner and the Air National Guard names its
          industry-related topics.                            Disney Food Service Excellence Award winner.
             “The Armed Forces Forum for Culinary Excellence fills   Each year the Hennessy evaluators select nominees for the
          a crucial gap by providing our military food service profes-  HTA Award of Excellence while completing inspections for
          sionals with the necessary skills to succeed not only in their   the culinary team awards. This year, there are four nominees
          current roles, but in restaurant and industry careers for years   from Region 1 (Eastern Hemisphere) and four in Region 2

            SENIOR AIRMAN DIANA SMOAK,                        has opened my eyes to a lot, and I have learned
            LITTLE ROCK AFB, ARK.                             so much. When I won the award I was in shock,
               “Winning is such an honor. Being awarded       but I also knew I had a great chance of winning
            the 2017 John L. Hennessy Award means that        because I worked so hard for it. I am thankful
            our continuous strive for excellence in food service   that I had the opportunity to embark on the
            was recognized. Our personnel (military and       journey from start to finish and have seen the
            civilian) are hard working and very deserving.    great things that came out of it.”
            Although, we remain humble — we are proud
            to be called the “Best of the Best.’”             SENIOR AIRMAN KELLI JOHNSON,
                                                              DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB, ARIZ.
              NOMINEES FOR THE HTA AWARD OF EXCEL-               “To be nominated for the Hennessy Award
             LENCE IN REGION 2 (WESTERN HEMISPHERE):          of Excellence, in addition to having my culinary
                                                              skills recognized, is the greatest feeling. In the
            SENIOR AIRMAN AMANDA WILLIAMS,                    beginning of my career, I had some medical issues
            ELLSWORTH AFB, S.D.                               that placed me out of my job for six months.
               “Being nominated played a huge role on         During that time, I vowed that I would work as
            proving that this career field is not just a dream,   hard as I could when I returned to duty. Receiving
            but now a reality. Now I feel that I am good      this nomination reassures me that I did just that.”
            enough and looking forward to moving onward
            to becoming a chef.”                              AIRMAN 1ST CLASS NATALIA MORRIS,
                                                              CANNON AFB, N.M.
            STAFF SGT. EUGENE GALLOWAY,                          “I am pleased, honored and humbled to ac-
            PETERSON AFB, COLO.                               cept this award, and am looking forward to the
               “I’m very excited to have this opportunity,    trip to California. A very special thanks to the
            so I can expand my culinary skills and pass       Hennessy Evaluation Team for selecting me.
            on my knowledge to my airmen. It feels unreal     Being selected for this award means I will need
            because I really wanted my airmen to win, but     to lead by example. I have to win and retain
            I’m looking forward to the experience and the     their respect; not just for my position, but for me
            opportunity it brings.                            as a person, for my experience, skills and competence. In leadership,
               I feel so fortunate because I understand       people and relationships are more important than tasks. Tasks do
            the incredible effort and time that everyone in our operation puts   matter, but the main role of a good leader is to motivate and inspire
            forward to accomplish the mission, so it’s an honor to be chosen to   other people to do the tasks well. And I plan on doing just that.”
            represent the Aragon Dining Facility and Peterson Air Force Base.
               My goal is to absorb as much knowledge as I can, so I can share   STAFF SGT. JESSE TUCKER,
            it with my colleagues here at Peterson, and I look forward to network-   EIELSON AFB, ALASKA
            ing with the different chefs there.”                 “It’s a great honor to be nominated and
                                                              recognized for this award. I have such a strong
            SENIOR AIRMAN SHAON MORRIS, TRAVIS AFB, CALIF.    supportive team who made this opportunity
               “To be nominated as the Hennessy Traveler is an honor. Cooking   possible for me.”
            wasn’t my first love, but over the years I grew to love it. Being at
            Travis AFB in an FTI [Food Transformation Initiative] environment

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