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Proving to be well received, the Mongolian Bar is served   tions. Points totaled on each judge’s assessment checklist
            every Wednesday, alternating between Iwakuni’s mess halls.   decide the winning teams in each category, and are not
            “We didn’t anticipate Mongolian day being that successful   revealed until scores are tallied.
            and being that high of a priority,” said Magloire.     Winning teams demonstrate leadership, culinary exper-
                New meals must await approval from Headquarters   tise, and the award-winning capabilities of Marine Corps
            Marine Corps before they can officially be implemented.   culinary specialists whose personal initiative and profes-
            Among the more anticipated specialty meals being planned   sional commitment are often unmatched in this difficult
            is an Oriental bar and the Surf and Turf bar, which Magloire   and demanding specialty.
            predicts will be a customer favorite. The Surf and Turf consists   Inspections for the 2017 Hill awards were conducted
            of grilled-top sirloin steak, spicy-grilled shrimp, corn-on-  in two stages. Active-duty team inspections began Feb. 13,
            the-cob and steamed Italian vegetable blend.        2017, and concluded March 9, 2017, with the winners an-
               Not only will the specialty bar change, so will the main   nounced April 17, 2017. Reserve units were evaluated over
            menu and snack bar. If there are any additional items that   four drill weekends in 2017, Feb. 11, March 4, April 1 and
            patrons would like to see they are encouraged to contact the   April 7; winners were announced April 17, 2017.
            food service division in building 100, or send an Interac-  The Hennessy/Hill Travelers Association and the NRA
            tive Customer Evaluation comment for recommendations.  are sponsors of the W.P.T. Hill Memorial awards.   —GFS
               “We want to give service members what they want,”
            said Magloire. “We take their concerns very seriously and
            we’re all about listening and catering to them.”
               Marine Corps mess halls work throughout the year to
            improve performance and meal quality. Chef of the Quarter
            competitions focus culinary specialists on demonstrating
            their skills to judges while the regular routine of preparing
            daily meals goes on.
               Aboard Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., in
            December, judges evaluated three food service Marines on
            preparation, taste and display of dishes.
               The winner was Sgt. Destany Weatherwax, a food service
            specialist assigned to Marine Wing Support Squadron 271,         BEST ACTIVE FIELD MESS
            Marine Aircraft Group 14, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. When
            she volunteered for the competition, her motivation was   II MEF Headquarters Group, MARFORCOM,
            not so much to win as to consider it a creative opportunity,        Camp Lejeune, N.C.
            to do something new and have fun.                          Commanding Officer: Col. David S. Owen
               The competition focused on smaller-portioned meals,     Food Service Officer: Capt. Brandon Mokris
            which allowed her to explore the art of food service. Having   Mess Hall Manager: Gunnery Sgt. Diordane
            won, Weatherwax can share her experience and encourage                  Pierrelouis
            other Marine Corps culinary specialists to compete, improve
            their skills and raise individual performance.
               Chef of the Quarter winners next compete in the Chef
            of the Year competition at the end of the fiscal year.

            HILL HISTORY
               The Marine Corps introduced the Hill Award in 1985 to
            motivate and reward the food service teams to prepare the
            highest-quality food. Competition for the award aims to
            encourage a commitment to excellence, and Hill evaluators
            perform the job of identifying the top teams.
               Evaluators select top performers in four categories: Best
            Military/Contractor Garrison Mess Hall, Best Full Food Ser-
            vice Contracted Garrison Mess Hall, Best Active Field Mess
            and Best Reserve Field Mess.                                    BEST RESERVE FIELD MESS
               Recipients are recognized for the contribution food service   4th Combat Engineer Battalion, 4th Marine
            makes to boosting the morale and improving the quality      Division, MARFORRES, Baltimore, Md.
            of life for Marines and Navy personnel.                     Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Henry A.
               Working independently, evaluators arrive at their deci-
            sions by relying on their subject-matter expertise to judge   S-4 Officer: 1st Lt. Timothy Cowan
            the food service teams. Teams are assessed in 17 categories,   Mess Chief: Gunnery Sgt. Richard Zurowski
            with inspections taking place during regular daily opera-
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