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and a UGR-A lunch. Evaluators perform each active Army   sionalism, as well as a commitment to quality.
            team field evaluation within a 24-hour period, including   Better food is considered a key to improving the health,
            a breakfast and lunch. Active Army garrison evaluations   morale and readiness of service members.
            begin when cooks mount and end after a lunch meal. Field   It effectively improved Army food service programs
            evaluations begin upon arrival on site.             overall through increased public interest and the result-
               Reserve component unit evaluations are done during   ing attention coming from command, which contributes
            weekend Inactive Duty Training (IDT). During the Reserve   to a greater emphasis on equipment replacement, facility
            and National Guard categories one meal (lunch) is evalu-  renovation programs and better operations.
            ated, consisting of line item A-rations. Army National Guard   Finally, the Connelly Awards Program has helped to
            and Reserve evaluations are completed in a 24-hour period   instill in Army food service workers a sense of prestige
            during a lunch meal only.                           and dignity.
               The Connelly is a multi-level competition that begins   When conceived, the award was named for the late
            at the lowest military echelon. Culinary teams in the Army   Philip A. Connelly, a former president of the International
            Sustainment Command, Army Service Component Com-    Food Service Executives Association (IFSEA).
            mand, Army Commands and Army National Guard each       Born June 1907 in Framingham, Mass., Connelly became
            submit finalist nominees in the appropriate categories to   a leader in food service management. He worked diligently
            the JCCoE, U.S. Army Quartermaster School, for evaluation   throughout his life to promote professionalism in food
            and selection of winners.                           service in civilian industry, as well as military services.
               Evaluators provided by the U.S. Army Quartermaster   He influenced civilian and military food service pro-
            School and the NRA select winners in the Active Army,   grams to be more closely aligned, and personnel in these
            Reserve and National Guard Connelly award categories. The   programs have uniform goals in education, training, career
            Department of the Army cosponsors the Connelly program   development and job opportunity, according to a biography
            with the NRA, which also hosts the award recipients at its   in the Army’s Philip A. Connelly handbook.
            annual conference.                                     Among his achievements are being named the father
                                                                of armed forces food service awards, founding the Navy
            HISTORY                                             Ney and Army Best mess awards, obtaining sponsorship
               The Philip A. Connelly program was established on   for the Air Force Hennessy Award, serving on evaluation
            March 23, 1968. Since then, it has been a steady force in   committees for the Air Force, Navy and Army, and receiv-
            recognizing excellence in Army food service and motivat-  ing the Navy Distinguished Service and Army Outstanding
            ing a higher standard of culinary performance and profes-  Civilian Service awards.             —GFS

                                   THE 2017 PHILIP A. CONNELLY WINNERS

                     BEST ARMY RESERVE FIELD KITCHEN                      BEST ARMY NATIONAL GUARD
                                                                                 FIELD KITCHEN
                     Headquarters and Headquarters Com-
                     pany, 391st Military Police Battalion,           Echo Company, 1st Battalion, 169th Avi-
                              Columbus, Ohio                           ation Battalion, Windsor Locks, Conn.

                     Commander: Lt. Col. Cheley Gabriel                Commander: 1st Lt. Jamie C. Cuticello
                    Food Service Officer: CW3 Charles Farran          Food Service Officer: 2nd Lt. Erica Dozier
                     Food Operations Sergeant: Sgt. Patrick           Food Operations Sergeant: Sgt. 1st Class
                                   Laird                                          Jeremy Avery

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