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                                                                       ment, training, safety, sanitation, shipboard solid
                                                                       and plastics waste management, and facilities,
                                                                       equipment and utensils.
                                                                          Under the Ney’s strict evaluation criteria,
                                                                       competing general messes are scored on a list
                                                                       covering the full spectrum of operations: menu
                                                                       planning, preparation, acceptability, manage-
                                                                       ment, training, safety, sanitation, shipboard solid
                                                                       and plastics waste management, and facilities,
                                                                       equipment and utensils.
                                                                          Navy Ney evaluators traveled extensively to
                                                                       complete 18 inspections around the world to de-
                                                                       termine winners for the 2017 awards. Inspection
                           LARGE AFLOAT CATEGORY                       sites around the world included Diego Garcia;
                              USS America (LHA 6)                      Yokosuka, Japan; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Bremer-
                           Home Port: San Diego, Calif.                ton, Wash.; San Diego, Calif.; Groton, Conn.;
                       Commanding Officer: Capt. J.R. Olson            Bahrain; Guam; and other locations.
                        Executive Officer: Capt. D.A. Nowiki
                       Supply Officer: Cmdr. Ernan S. Obellos          CONSISTENCY
                    Food Service Officer: CWO2 Paul A. Arboleda           Galley teams have one opportunity to be
                           Leading Culinary Specialist:                ready when the Ney judges visit to make their
                        MCPO(SW/AW/IW) Randall L. Clift                one-time surprise inspection, but must perform
                                                                       consistently every day in order to qualify for and
                   Total Number Culinary Specialists ......... 41      pass the final-round inspection for the award.
                   Total Food Service Attendants ............ 61          Galley crews are at work before most sailors
                   Total Number of Meals Served Per Day ...7,200       start the day. Crewmembers of the Oasis Galley
                                                                       at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Fla., are
                                                                       hard at work before sunrise and the first sailors
                                                                       begin to pass through the entrance.
                                                                          Starting at 5 a.m., the galley crew has un-
                                                                       locked the facility doors, flipped on lights and
                                                                       preheated ovens to begin the morning routines.
                                                                       This daily dedication led the team to be recog-
                                                                       nized recently for excellence and awarded a five-
                                                                       star accreditation during an annual assessment
                                                                       from representatives of Navy Region Southeast.
                                                                          “The award is a testament to the dedication
                                                                       of both the military and civilian employees as-
                                                                       signed to this operation,” said Chief Culinary
                                                                       Specialist Marnika Ash, the galley’s leading Cu-
                                                                       linary Specialist. “Our team conducted their du-
                                                                       ties diligently and professionally, which helped
                         AIRCRAFT CARRIER CATEGORY                     foster an environment that demands success. It
                          USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)                   illustrated our practices that we do consistently
                                                                       and demonstrated that we are committed to
                           Home Port: San Diego, Calif.                excellence.”
                    Commanding Officer: Capt. Michael P. Donnelly         The galley’s team efforts collectively contrib-
                      Executive Officer: Capt. Paul J. Lanzilotta      uted nearly 85 hours a week following proper
                        Supply Officer: Cmdr. Michael S. Carl          procedures and striving for success.
                      Food Service Officer: CWO4 Brian T. Ware            “We worked hard to receive the accredita-
                           Leading Culinary Specialist:                tion,” said Lt. John Harrison, SC, USN, the Oasis
                         CPO(SW/AW/IW) Gerald T. Paulo
                                                                       Galley food service officer. “We did it by strictly
                                                                       adhering to record keeping, inventory, food ser-
                   Total Number Culinary Specialists ........ 114      vice, customer service and proper emphasis on
                   Total Food Service Attendants ........... 120       sanitation.”
                   Total Number of Meals Served Per Day ..18,000
                                                                          Marking the galley’s third consecutive five-star
                                                                       accreditation, the facility’s nearly 40 military and
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