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                                                                                 COOK A

                          Spirit Drives Competition

                            MSC Cook Award Motivates Higher Performance

               he civilian mariners on the food service teams aboard
             TMilitary Sealift Command (MSC) ships have resumes      2017 MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND CAPT.
            that include either experience gained during active duty or   DAVID M. COOK FOOD SERVICE EXCELLENCE
            certification earned from the American Culinary Federation.          AWARD WINNERS
              These skilled culinary professionals are committed to
            culinary excellence, and harness that drive by competing
            annually for the Capt. David M. Cook awards to raise the               LARGE SHIP
            level of performance to an even higher standard.               USS EMORY S. LAND (AS-39)
              Many of the former service members who choose to       Ship’s Leadership – Captain: Douglas Bradley
            continue their culinary career path as civilian mariners in     Supply Officer: Raphael Cui
            the Military Sealift Command are Navy retirees.                Chief Steward: Junior Vermont
              Whether former enlisted members or commissioned
            officers, the seasoned professionals competing for the Cook           MEDIUM SHIP
            award draw on their years of experience to demonstrate       USNS RICHARD E. BYRD (T-AKE 4)
            the skills and commitment required to win.                 Ship’s Leadership – Captain: Lee Apsley
              The growing preference for healthy eating, complying         Supply Officer: Kelvin Thomas
            with changing nutritional guidelines and dietary require-      Chief Steward: Danilo Puniesto
            ments challenge the civilian mariners to demonstrate ad-
            ditional signs of their commitment to excellence for the               SMALL SHIP
            Cook evaluators.                                            USNS WALTER S DIEHL (T-AO 193)
              Judges evaluating teams for a Cook award give a thor-  Ship’s Leadership – Captain: William Hartman
            ough, detailed analysis to all the culinary teams on ships     Supply Officer: Ronald McCann
            participating in the competition. Evaluators observe meal      Chief Steward: Ricardo Bautista
            preparation during breakfast, lunch and dinner, ensuring
            compliance with MSC requirements that menus be varied
            and well balanced.
              As much effort needs to go toward customer service as
            to food quality. Ships exhibiting top-quality food prepara-
            tion skill and performance, but poor customer service, face
            a difficult path to reaching the Cook finals.

               All MSC ships can compete for the Cook award. Evalua-
            tions of each participating ship first determine initial-round
            best-of-the-best candidates who go on to the final assessments
            where a single, final-evaluation judge identifies the overall
            winners. Overall winners are then selected in each of the three
            Cook categories: Small Ship, Medium Ship and Large Ship.
               When the competition was established in 1992, the
            aim was to improve all aspects of food service aboard
            MSC vessels. It became named in honor of Capt. David
            M. Cook, SC, USN, 10 years later.
               Cook was the MSC director of logistics from 1995 to
            1998, and is considered a catalyst in improving all aspects
            of food service operations aboard its ships. He died in 2002.
               Another role of the Cook program is to celebrate the
            contribution shipboard food service professionals make to
            maintaining morale and fitness to accomplish missions.
               To achieve his vision, Cook recommended the menu
            comprise restaurant-quality advanced foods to improve
            quality of life and instituted programs to ensure that food
            service personnel receive up-to-date training to maintain
            the quality for the fleet.
               Military Sealift Command provides ocean transportation
            for the Navy and the rest of the Department of Defense, and
            operates approximately 110 ships daily around the globe.
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