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           A Key Ingredient of Professionalism

           Army’s Connelly Competition Improves Culinary Quality for Soldiers

              uch of the professionalism that has come to be rec-  Marine Corps, Navy and Military Sealift Command also
           Mognized in the Army food program can be attributed   received awards during the dinner, which is held during the
          to the Philip A. Connelly Awards and the influence of the   National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel
          high standard of excellence it sets                 Show in Chicago, Ill.
             Competition winners earn bowls and plaques as tangible   Military culinary specialists from each of the services
          rewards for the accomplishment, but the greatest value to   also participated in a three-day training program at Kendall
          the military culinary profession is the improved quality of   College to sharpen awareness about business operations.
          meals and food service delivered to soldiers that results.  The curriculum involved developing a business plan to
             The Connelly competition challenges Army culinary   begin a dining facility from scratch, plus a day spent visit-
          specialists to perform better, as well as improve individual   ing the NRA exhibit floor.
          and unit readiness by matching skills with colleagues. Cu-  Additionally, two members of each Army team will be
          linary specialists also gain a sense of prestige and dignity.  afforded training at the prestigious Culinary Institute of
             Army food quality is enhanced through the compe-  America’s Greystone, Calif., campus.
          tition as culinary specialists share skills and techniques
          while working together, and also gain expertise from the   QUARTERMASTER SCHOOL
          evaluators judging their performance.                  On hand to present the Connelly Awards to winning
             Winners of the 49th Philip A. Connelly Awards Program   Army culinary teams were representatives from Fort Lee, Va.,
          for Excellence in Army Food Service were announced May   including Brig. Gen. Rodney Fogg, quartermaster general and
          19 during the annual Military Food Service Awards Dinner   Quartermaster School commandant, and his senior enlisted
          in the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, Ill., which is hosted by   advisor, Command Sgt. Maj. Sean Rice, Quartermaster Corps
          the National Restaurant Association Education Founda-  regimental command sergeant major. The Quartermaster
          tion (NRAEF).                                       School administers the Connelly awards program.
             Culinary teams from the Air Force, Air National Guard,   Dining facilities at installations in four countries com-

                                 THE 2017 PHILIP A. CONNELLY WINNERS


                     405th Army Field Service Brigade,              Echo Troop, 2nd Squadron, 6th Cavalry
                    Logistics Readiness Center Bavaria,                Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation
                         Grafenwoehr, Germany.                      Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, Wheeler
                                                                            Army Airfield, Hawaii.
                  Commander: Col. Rodney H. Honeycutt
                    Food Service Officer: Karen Bierstedt            Commander: Col. Daniel J. Williamson
                    Dining Facility Manager: Adriano R.             Food Service Officer: 1st Lt. Ryan Crook
                                Colella                             Food Operations Sergeant: Sgt. 1st Class
                                                                              Demarcus Tarver

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