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          (Western Hemisphere).                                SENIOR MASTER SGT. KENNETH W. DISNEY
             Each Hennessy evaluation team gives an Award   FOOD SERVICE EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNERS:
          of Excellence invitation to individuals selected as   SENIOR AIRMAN TONNIE M. WARD, 164TH AIRLIFT WING,
          the most outstanding food service person at each   FORCE SUPPORT SQUADRON, MEMPHIS ANGB, TENN.
          installation visited.                            “My overall experience during the Disney Award ob-
             Throughout the weeklong program, the Forum   servation was an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment
          helps culinary specialists to expand their horizons   for our services team. We come to every RSD [Regularly
          by featuring hands-on classes, seminars and round-  Scheduled Drill] with the drive and mindset to prepare
                                                        healthy yet appealing meals for our peers and command-
          table discussions with participating restaurant and   ers. This particular RSD like all others was no different.
          food service industry leaders.                We worked collaboratively on getting all entrées prepared,
             Fine techniques may go underutilized in the   ensured we followed safety guidelines/policies and kept team morale at an
          everyday routine of preparing meals served in   all-time high. By doing so, we were able to serve all the troops that came to
          military dining facilities, galleys and mess halls.   the DFAC a great meal that we successfully planned.
                                                        Prepared as the great team we strive to be!”
          The Forum, however, is an opportunity to brush
          up on these techniques, as well as learn new skills.  STAFF SGT. KEON SCOTT, 123RD AIRLIFT WING, FORCE
             Hosts and industry partners participating in the   SUPPORT SQUADRON, KENTUCKY ANG
          Forum present a networking opportunity. Service   “I am so excited and honored to have won the Disney
          members attending the Forum and interacting with   award.  We worked really hard, and I am proud of our
                                                        entire team.”
          these attendees can pick up best practices and gain
          personal career experiences.                  STAFF SGT. MEGAN M. LONGENDYKE, 125TH FIGHTER
             “This forum at Greystone — one of the most   WING, FLORIDA AIR NATIONAL GUARD
          distinguished culinary educational facilities in the   “My experience with the 125th FW Services team
          nation, if not the world — provides our service-  has definitely been one for the books. We all worked
                                                        so hard individually and as a unit, but once we join
          men and women with the expertise they need to   forces in that kitchen it’s downright amazing. I am truly
          continue offering the best in food service to our   grateful to represent my team for being honored as the
          nation’s armed forces,” said David Scanlan, CEO,   Disney traveler.”
          Sodexo Government Services, North America.

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